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Invisible when not in workshop mode


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I never done that, but there you have a basic idea on how I would go about it:


You would need two versions, one version that is visible and another one that is invisible, and "swap" them with a script in OnWorkshopMode event.


So you would need to create a constructible object for the visible one, then in the script of this object, in the OnWorkshopObjectPlaced event, use PlaceAtMe to place the visible version in the same spot with the "Initially disabled" flag enabled, and link it to the main object with SetLinkedRef, so you can get the reference of the placed reference with GetLinkedRef in the other workshop events later, and finally use MoveTo to move the placed object, the invisible one, exactly in the same position and rotation than the visible one.

Then you can switch both objects to enabled/disabled in the OnWorkshopMode event as needed.

You would also need to handle when the player moves the object around, so you would need to use OnWorkshopObjectMoved to move the object that you placed with PlaceAtMe along the main object.

Edited by DieFeM
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Probably yes, but that's something you could check by yourself. On the other hand I didn't though of it in my previous answer, but you would need to handle the deletion of the placed object in the OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed event as well.

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That's something that goes against a modders "honor", at least here. But people like DieFem, SKK50 or Niston might help you out, they are very skilled.

I'm also trying to find a way when I have finished my current project but that will take some days


I'd suggest taking a look at other mods, like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19090



Use Champollion to decode their scripts: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3742

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