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How do i make an alternate start mod?

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I have been looking everywhere for a mod that lets you play as one of the deadra, and start in oblivion. but i have been VERY unsuccessful. So i decided i would try to make it myself! i tried to look up a tutorial on how to properly do this, buuut... i came up with nothing. theres only 1 post about doing this, but its kinda hard to follow without actually seeing what im supposed to be doing/clicking on. Basicly, i want to make a custom flame atronach race and upon creating the character, you would be teleported inside of the kavatch gate. and you will start a quest telling you to go through the portal and destroy/kill everyone you find. and all friendly npcs will be hostile towards you, while the deadra will be friendly towards you. this mod wont start the main oblivion quest line, and will instead have you go around killing anyone you find that isnt in the deadra faction. most people may not like this idea, but its something that i want out of oblivion modding. something i have always wanted to do since my very first time playing the game back in 2009. will anybody be able to help me create this dream mod of mine? or at the very least know where i can find several tutorials on the stuff i want to make with this mod?

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Only advice I can give you is to look at a couple of different alt start mods, Arthmoor's Alternative Beginnings and an old alt start mod MOE Main Quest Delayer with Alive Kvatch (which is no longer playable unless you have the required old version of Kvatch Rebuilt already downloaded).


Arthmoor's mod has you starting the game with the main quest started in so far as the Kvatch gate is active but it doesn't progress beyond that point until you "find" the Amulet of Kings. With the MOE mod you start in Anvil and none of the main quest has started (so no Kvatch gate). Looking at what those two mods do while following the tutorial may help things fall into place.

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