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Bug in Stormcloak questline


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I ran into a bug in the stormcloak questline.


I'm on the mission to liberate Falkreath, but I can't report in to Galmar, so that I can't start the quest "Rescue from Fort Neugrad".


I've tried several things like older saves, fast travelling away and back, waiting for 24 hrs, beating down Galmar and start the dialogue with him again and again. I've also looked up possible solutions on the discussion page of uesp, but nothing helps.


Does anyone have advice for me how to continue with the stormcloak questline?


I also tried to complete the quest stage via console, but it doesn't work; I couldn't find any bugfixes on Nexus either.


I'm really desperate, I hope someone can help me.

Edited by Ganacampo
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I remember having an issue like this when fighting on the Imperials side. After reporting to the commander that I had completed a task, he'd pause after his dialogue while I was waiting for the quest to update, but nothing would happen, so I just hit the tab key to end the conversation. Then I tried all sorts of things to get the quest to work, even replaying the quest from a save etc. Turns out it was just the script running a bit slow, so the fix was to just sit there during the "pause" and after about 30 seconds he started talking again and the objectives updated, heh. So maybe if you just hang around like Georgiegril suggests the problem might "fix" itself.
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