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Removeallitems script?


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Well I am able to make dungeons, but I cant script to save my life, if someone could show me how to make a removeallitems script, I would be very happy. I plan on building a large dungeon where the player starts in a dungeon prison cell with their items taken away, along the way out of the dungeon the player will find weapons and armor to help them escape, towards the end the player will find their stuff.


I can get the dungeon built, but I would love for some help in getting the player teleported to where the dungeon starts(In said prison cell) and then have their items put in a chest towards the end of the dungeon.


Many Thanks.

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How do I make the script that teleports the player to the prison cell then? I need the script to teleport the player aswell as removing their items after talking to an NPC. The NPC will be like "There is a evil warrior named drayketh deep within his forgotten dungeon and you must kill him, but be warned as upon entering the dungeon, drayketh uses his fowl magic to steal all of your stuff. You must get it back and defeat drayketh!" Or somthing along those lines.


EDIT: Forgot to say, upon saying that you will let the NPC teleport you and that you will attempt to kill drayketh, the chat with the npc will end and the script activates.


EDIT2: Is it also possible to make a script for weapons that crumble to dust when you try to pick them up? Similar to the Daedric War Axes in the mehrunes razor DLC?

Edited by welchdrew
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You would use Player.MoveTo [Location Ref] or Player.MoveToMarker [Marker Ref] both with optional x, y, z coordinates.
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EDIT2: Is it also possible to make a script for weapons that crumble to dust when you try to pick them up? Similar to the Daedric War Axes in the mehrunes razor DLC?

There's no need to make one. Just use the TG11SwordScript. If you try to pick up a weapon that uses that script, you'll get a messagebox saying "The weapon crumbles to dust in your hands" and the weapon will disappear.

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Err I have never done a script before so I honestly dont know where to begin, do I just put down the name and the moveto and removeallitems bits to the script? Or is there more to add?
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Well this is what I made, am I doing it right? I have a feeling im not. :(


This is my attempted "script" so far...

Is OnActivate the correct one? If not which should I use, any help would be nice.

ScriptName 1ADrewDungeonscript

Begin OnActivate
;player.removeallitems AADrewPCItemChest
;player.moveto AADrewPrison, 1510, -1160, 2100

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For one never begin your identifiers with a number. The compiler might mistake them with hexadecimal FormIDs and it won't work. I don't recall where all exactly this was the case, but it certainly won't like the "1A..." for the script name. Better make it "AA..." as well.


Now, if you wanted this to happen when you "use" an object, like pushing a button, then OnActivate would be perfect. But you want this to happen at the end of a dialog, so you should rather add the code into the topic's "result script". It's like a regular script but doesn't have a name or blocks (and some other restrictions). It's like a block that will be executed once the topic is reached during conversation. Inside there your two command lines should work and do what you intend.


This page should help with this: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Portal:Quests

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Okay, but I wouldn't mind another NPC comming up to the player and telling them "Hello there adventurer, (Name of Other NPC) would like to see an adventurer like you, come to Anvil(Where I plan on making the NPC that warps you into the dungeon.) and speak with him." This would start the quest up.
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