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Question regarding the dart gun


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It is helpful if you are going up against multiple enemies and don't want them to get away.


Shoot the 1st one in the leg (in real-time) and swap to your primary gun and kill the others. If the 1st guy decides to run away, you can easily catch up to him. ;)


Or just use it to shoot everyone. It has a nice effect of draining their health too thanks to the venom. Great for finishing shots when they are low on health. One hit and !!wham!! they start to panic, run away and fall to the ground dead.


Or if one fellow has a rocket launcher, shoot him in the arm.


There are just so many helpful ways to employ this gun. The main problem is the slow reload and usual requirement to swap to a different gun. Make sure you configure hot-keys such as CTRL + 1 to select the dart gun, CTRL + 2 for your primary gun so all you have to do is click 1 or 2 to swap guns.


Anyone else notice that if you expend most of the rounds in your clip (ones that have more than on shot) that you can simply swap to another weapon, expend most of the rounds in that one and swap back to the original and the clip will be fully reloaded? ;)



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