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Need an awesome "Evil" Circlet


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I love some of the evil themed armor and home mods out there. Namely the Dark Tower, and Dread (female lich king) armor. But for all the cool helmets and circlets that are out there, none of them really go well with an evil themed character. And I spent about 15 mins sculpting my avatars face and have Apachii's skyhair so I want an open face head piece that shows the hair. So to any Meshers out there, please make or convert an awesome "evil" circlet. I am willing to try and help texture it to the best of my limited ability, but I have no idea how to make meshes.
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Those are pretty sweet. Will have to try them out. But I was thinking more along the lines of an actual crown or circlet that was dark and menacing. Ya know with like skulls or wolves, maybe even a dark colored dragon. But something that is actual armor piece and would qualify for the armor perks.
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