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Map INI Tweaks disabled in 1.8 Update - Any Workaround?


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I finally let Steam install the 1.8 update, and noticed that some of my map tweaks are no longer working. I did a Google search and found the following over on the UESP forums (http://forums.uesp.n...hp?f=40&t=33840):


"One thing I've noticed since Steam updated Skyrim from v1. to v1. is that the following four Map-related settings in the [MapMenu] section of Skyrim.ini no longer have ANY effect on the Map...


fMapWorldInitialPitch: The initial pitch angle of the Map camera view each time you run Skyrim

fMapWorldMaxHeight: Maximum height above Map for mouse wheel "zoom"

fMapWorldMinHeight: Minimum height above Map for mouse wheel "zoom"

sMapCloudNIF: NIF file path for the Map's animated cloud cover. Setting it to an empty (null) string removes the clouds so you can see the ground clearly.


I've checked by using the console command SaveINI to save out ALL the game's internal INI-adjustable settings. Turns out the above four settings are conspicuously absent, which means they're now hard-coded internally and are NOT adjustable via INI settings any more."


I tried loading the CK, and checked the game settings, and could not find anything resembling these.


Does anyone have any idea how to go about overriding the Bethesda settings that now appear to be hard-coded? They are really limiting. And, I guess I'm wondering why on earth Bethesda has done this? I'm sure I'm not the only one that is really annoyed.

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Actually, I was looking in the wrong place. Inki pointed me in the right direction: the "Tamriel" worldspace record under 'World/World Spaces...' in the menu bar. I now have a plugin that modifies those the first three settings, and the fourth one is already covered in IcePenguin's "Clear Map Add-on" to his "A Quality World Map - With Roads". I need to test it more to make sure I'm not introducing any issues however.
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