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SPELL-FORMID of Staff of Everscamp


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For some reason I still have the -20 Speed drain from that Staff even though I removed it.


Now I need to know the SPELL-FORMID of that effect of the staff to get rid of that -20 Speed.


Where can I get that ID ? Or can anybody tell it to me from the Construction Set / TES4EDIT or what else?




"player.removespell SPELL-FORMID" should be the key, otherwise this save is now bugged :///




Ok it has no spell effect, it is just a skript:




Its active when:


if ( GetStage MS43 >= 40 ) && ( HaveStaff == 0 )
Player.Modav Speed -20
set HaveStaff to 1


so how can I get rid of this "MS43StaffScript" ?



I simply deleted the MS43StaffScript in the Elder Scrolls Construction menu, now new Staffes dont have any effect, but the 1 old skript is still on my char like before. :/

Edited by iHateSkirim
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Then I still have a red Speed 80 ://


Originally I thought this would just increase Speed by 20. But even if it would have succeeded I would have had a red Speed 100. And of course I could have done that right from the beginning, but I want my original grey Speed 100 back.


I solved the problem by modifying the Staffs Effect to increase Speed by 20, picked another one up and dropped it.


Now I have 2 permanent glitched Speed +20-20 effects and therefore my normal grey Speed 100. Would still be cooler to also remove that hidden Scripts to finally get my Acc back >: (

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