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Any mp3 in Many Areas


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I was wondering whether it's possible (well I already know it is, but I mean easily possible) to put in your own music for Oblivion. Also, I was wondering if it can make so that it only plays in certain places. For example, battle music in Ayleid Ruins, seperate battle music in Oblivion, and separete battle music in Dreamworld (why not). Same goes for ordinary music, so wondering around the wilderness won't have the same sound as wondering through Oblivion. However, I also want to make sure, that when I'm done and don't want the music anymore, that I can replace it with either the normal ones again, or another song.


I got the idea about putting in separete music for different places from Maddog's Fantasy Mod, since when you go to verse Sephiroth (die to Sephiroth is probably more correct) he has his own battle music, the only problem was that when you opened a menu, the music turned back again, and when you went back into gameplay, the song reset itself, which really go on my nerves. This music has to keep on going (then looping) even when I open a menu.


I haven't the faintest clue about modding, and while I've got heaps of ideas (but can't explain well, and me explaining something gives a completely different response), this would be a really awesome thing to do.

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Thanks a lot! Seems you helped him out the same way as me. So basically, all I have to do is put any mp3 music into that folder and it will play it when chosen, that's awesome! However, I have the same question the other guy had as well, is it possible to play music for certain situations? Cause Oblivion battle music would be different to Cyrodiil battle music, and whether music will play when versing certain NPCs (so if versiing Mannimarco, different music altogether). Are these possible (well, easily possible?)
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