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Arcwind point for me. Didn't stumble upon that location for ages.


I ended up having to COC myself there. Shakespeare the Fox is found there (I have no idea why... it's a pain in the butt to get to at low levels, and I really wanted that pet) and even using UESP I couldn't find the damned place.


Then I finally arrived, and immediately got eaten by Draugr. :(

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Last time I was there I died about 8 times because Draugr kept FUS'ing me off the tower when I was trying to get to the restoration skill book. I guess it would be a just 'revenge' if I ever Fus'ed things myself. I'm such a bad Dovakiin. I only use Aura Whisper unless it's a case where the shouts are needed for quest progression.
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It took me some time to find Angi's Camp. I needed about five playthroughs to discover that little hidden camp in the mountains. :facepalm:


Don't feel bad, you weren't the only one. Primarily play stealthy archers and Angi is so helpful in that regard. Doh :)

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I just did the Frostflow Lighthouse muders a few hours ago...I'd passed by the lighthouse early on but never entered...now at over 400 hours I decided to look inside. The whole thing didn't win any sympathy points for the plight of the Falmer or their insect allies...I was more than happy to do a bit of exterminating in the basement tunnels. I wish I could have reunited the family afterward by placing the bodies in their beds.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one having issues with Arcwind point; I found it because I tend to ask Arngeir if he heard about any words of power and it was probably the mods I'm running but there were tons of dreadlords FUSing all over the place, a bloody dragon (severely upgraded due to deadly dragons), an army of skeletons, and I think even some hapless bandits and/or adventurer NPCs who stumbled onto the scene (and were massacred).


It was I could do to grab the wordwall (which was (a) useless and (b) glitched and the Greybeard kept trying to send me back argh) and the skillbook and run off with my tail between my legs, cost me a lot of invisibility potions.

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