PeterMartyr Posted January 17, 2020 Share Posted January 17, 2020 akTarget.GetDisplayName() Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted January 23, 2020 Share Posted January 23, 2020 If you like to use non-SKSE papyrus code, you should build a conditions (like a tree) with keywords for the actors race. Something like that: Scriptname xyzRecognizeActorRaceEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; Int iLC ; value holder of last actor check ; mod load order ; -------------- ; 00 Skyrim.esm ; 01 Update.esm ; 02 Dawnguard.esm ; 03 Hearthfires.esm ; 04 Dragonborn.esm ; 0x05 first user mod ; .. ; 0xFE last user mod ; -- EVENTs -- 2 EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Trace(" OnEffectStart() - target = " +akTarget+ ", caster = " +akCaster) ; debug info int i = myF_GetRaceNumber(akTarget) IF (i > 0) myF_Show(i, akTarget) ENDIF ENDEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Trace(" OnEffectFinish() - target = " +akTarget+ ", caster = " +akCaster) ; debug info ENDEVENT ; -- FUNCTIONs -- 14 ;----------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_Show(Int i, Actor aRef) ;----------------------------------- Debug.Notification("RaceNumber is " +i) ENDFUNCTION ;----------------------------------------- Bool FUNCTION myF_HasKW(Actor aRef, Int i) ; helper ;----------------------------------------- RETURN aRef.HasKeyword( Game.GetForm(i) as Keyword ) ENDFUNCTION ;---------------------------------------- Bool FUNCTION myF_IsRaceKW(Race r, Int i) ; helper ;---------------------------------------- RETURN r.HasKeyword( Game.GetForm(i) as Keyword ) ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------ Bool FUNCTION myF_IsVT(VoiceType VT, Int i) ; helper ;------------------------------------------ RETURN (VT == Game.GetForm(i) as VoiceType) ENDFUNCTION ;----------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_GetRaceNumber(Actor aRef) ;----------------------------------------- IF aRef.IsDead() RETURN -2 ; actor is dead ENDIF ;--------- ; int t = aRef.GetFormID() ; ;; for understanding: ;; "t" is a local integer stack Variable living in this function only ;; "iLC" is a global integer heap Variable with access to the whole script, but invisible for other scripts ;;------------------- ;IF (t == iLC) ; RETURN 0 ; actor was already checked with last function call ;ENDIF ;;--------- ; iLC = t ; update variable for the next call ;; Do never save as actor or objectReference like this "lastRef = aRef", that would make this Ref persistent!!! ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF aRef.IsGhost() RETURN -3 ; actor is ghost ENDIF ;--------- IF aRef.IsCommandedActor() RETURN -4 ; actor is under control ENDIF ;========= race r = aRef.GetRace() IF ( r ) ELSE RETURN -1 ; failsafe, race is <None> ENDIF ;--------- int n IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013797) ; [KYWD:00013797] ActorTypeDaedra n = myF_Daedra(aRef, r) ; 800 ; Dremora, Atronach, Seeker ;--------------------------------------- ELSEIF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x0001397A) ; [KYWD:0001397A] ActorTypeDwarven n = myF_Dwemer(aRef, r) ; 900 ; dwemer robots ;--------------------------------------- ELSEIF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013796) ; [KYWD:00013796] ActorTypeUndead IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x000A82BB) ; [KYWD:000A82BB] Vampire n = myF_Vampire(aRef, r) ; 100 ELSE n = myF_UnDead(aRef, r) ; 200 ; Draugr, Skeleton, DragonPriest ENDIF ;--------------------------------------- ELSEIF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013795) ; [KYWD:00013795] ActorTypeCreature IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00035D59) ; [KYWD:00035D59] ActorTypeDragon (any type of dragon) n = myF_Dragons(aRef, r) ; 700 ELSEIF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013798) ; [KYWD:00013798] ActorTypeAnimal n = myF_AnimalCreatures(aRef, r); 500 ; chaurus, frostbitespider, bear, chicken, cow, horse, rabbit, goat, .. ELSE n = myF_Creatures(aRef, r) ; 300 ; Hagraven, .. ENDIF ;--------------------------------------- ELSEIF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013794) ; [KYWD:00013794] ActorTypeNPC n = myF_Humans(aRef, r) ; 1000 ;--------------------------------------- ELSE n = myF_Special(aRef, r) ; 1 .. 99 ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;/** ??? ; giantMudCrab; venomfangSkeever; valeSabreCat; Bristleback; Fire wyrm ; corruptedShade; corruptedShadeImperial; corruptedShadeStormCloak ; The Reaper; pectralDog; HollowedDead **/; ;------------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_Special(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------- ; IF ((i % 0x00100000) == 0x00015136) int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 99 IF (i == 0x00000019) ; [RACE:00000019] DefaultRace "Default Race" n = 1 ELSEIF (i == 0x0403CA97) ; [RACE:0403CA97] DLC2MiraakRace "Nord" **Dragonborn n = 2 ELSEIF (i == 0x0403CECB) ; [RACE:0403CECB] DLC2RigidSkeletonRace "Skeleton" **Dragonborn n = 3 ELSEIF (i == 0x040179CF) ; [RACE:040179CF] DLC2MountedRieklingRace **Dragonborn n = 4 ELSEIF (i == 0x0401FEB8) ; [RACE:0401FEB8] DLC2NetchRace ""Netch" **Dragonborn n = 5 ; Netch ELSEIF (i == 0x04028580) ; [RACE:04028580] DLC2NetchCalfRace "Netch" **Dragonborn n = 6 ; NetchCalf ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------ Int FUNCTION myF_Daedra(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------ int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 800 ; ancientStormAtronach IF (i == 0x000131F0) ; [RACE:000131F0] DremoraRace "Dremora" n = 801 ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F5) ; [RACE:000131F5] AtronachFlameRace "Flame Atronach" n = 802 ; flameAtronach ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F6) ; [RACE:000131F6] AtronachFrostRace "Frost Atronach" n = 803 ; frostAtronach ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F7) ; [RACE:000131F7] AtronachStormRace "Storm Atronach" n = 804 ; stormAtronach ELSEIF (i == 0x04027BFC) ; [RACE:04027BFC] dlc2AshGuardianRace "Storm Atronach" **Dragonborn n = 805 ; ashAtronach ELSEIF (i == 0x0401DCB9) ; [RACE:0401DCB9] DLC2SeekerRace "HMDaedra" **Dragonborn n = 806 ; Seeker ELSEIF (i == 0x0401F98F) ; [RACE:0401F98F] dlc2SpectralDragonRace "Spectral Dragon" **Dragonborn n = 807 ELSEIF (i == 0x04035538) ; [RACE:04035538] DLC2DremoraRace "Dremora" **Dragonborn n = 808 ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------ Int FUNCTION myF_Dwemer(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------ int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 900 IF (i == 0x000131F1) ; [RACE:000131F1] DwarvenCenturionRace "Dwemer Centurion" n = 901 ; DwarvenCenturion ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F2) ; [RACE:000131F2] DwarvenSphereRace "Dwemer Sphere" n = 902 ; DwarvenSphere ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F3) ; [RACE:000131F3] DwarvenSpiderRace "Dwemer Spider" n = 903 ; DwarvenSpider ELSEIF (i == 0x0402B014) ; [RACE:0402B014] DLC2DwarvenBallistaRace "Dwemer Sphere" **Dragonborn n = 904 ; DwarvenBallista ELSEIF (i == 0x02015C34) ; [RACE:02015C34] DLC1LD_ForgemasterRace "The Forgemaster" *Dawnguard n = 905 ; ForgeMaster ELSEIF (i == 0x0401B637) ; [RACE:0401B637] DLC2AshSpawnRace "Draugr" **Dragonborn n = 906 ; AshSpawn ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------ Int FUNCTION myF_UnDead(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------ int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 200 ; draugrOverlord_restlesDraugr ; draugrWight_Lord ; draugrScourge_Lord ; draugrDeathLord_draugrDeathOverLord IF (i == 0x00000D53) ; [RACE:00000D53] DraugrRace "Draugr" n = 201 ; Draugr ELSEIF (i == 0x000F71DC) ; [RACE:000F71DC] DraugrMagicRace "Draugr" n = 202 ELSEIF (i == 0x02007AF3) ; [RACE:02007AF3] DLC1SoulCairnKeeperRace "Draugr" *Dawnguard n = 203 ; soulCairnKeeper ELSEIF (i == 0x0200894D) ; [RACE:0200894D] DLC1SoulCairnSkeletonArmorRace "Draugr" *Dawnguard n = 204 ; wrathman ELSEIF (i == 0x020023E2) ; [RACE:020023E2] SkeletonArmorRace "Draugr" *Dawnguard n = 205 ELSEIF (i == 0x0402A6FD) ; [RACE:0402A6FD] DLC2HulkingDraugrRace "Draugr" **Dragonborn n = 206 ; hulkingDraugr ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000B7998) ; [RACE:000B7998] SkeletonRace "Skeleton" n = 210 ; skeleton ELSEIF (i == 0x000EB872) ; [RACE:000EB872] SkeletonNecroRace "Skeleton" n = 211 ; skeletonPriest ELSEIF (i == 0x000B9FD7) ; [RACE:000B9FD7] RigidSkeletonRace "Skeleton" n = 212 ELSEIF (i == 0x02006AFA) ; [RACE:02006AFA] DLC1SoulCairnSkeletonNecroRace "Skeleton" *Dawnguard n = 213 ; mistman ELSEIF (i == 0x0200A94B) ; [RACE:0200A94B] DLC01SoulCairnBonemanRace "Skeleton" *Dawnguard n = 214 ; boneman ELSEIF (i == 0x02019FD3) ; [RACE:02019FD3] DLC1BlackSkeletonRace "Skeleton" *Dawnguard n = 215 ELSEIF (i == 0x000EBE18) ; [RACE:000EBE18] SkeletonNecroPriestRace "Dragon Priest" n = 216 ; dragon priest ELSEIF (i == 0x0403911A) ; [RACE:0403911A] DLC2AcolyteDragonPriestRace "Dragon Priest" **Dragonborn n = 217 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x02002AE0) ; [RACE:02002AE0] DLC1SoulCairnSoulWispRace "Witchlight" *Dawnguard n = 220 ELSEIF (i == 0x0200C5F0) ; [RACE:0200C5F0] DLC1DeathHoundRace "Death Hound" *Dawnguard.esm n = 221 ; deathHound ELSEIF (i == 0x02003D02) ; [RACE:02003D02] DLC1DeathHoundCompanionRace "Death Hound Companion" *Dawnguard n = 222 ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_Dragons(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------- int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 700 ; bloodDragon ; frostDragon ; elderDragon ; ancientDragon ; reveredDragon ; legendaryDragon ; serpentineDragon IF (i == 0x000E7713) ; [RACE:000E7713] AlduinRace "Dragon Race" n = 701 ELSEIF (i == 0x001052A3) ; [RACE:001052A3] UndeadDragonRace "Dragon Race" n = 702 ; skeletalDragon ELSEIF (i == 0x020117DE) ; [RACE:020117DE] DLC1UndeadDragonRace "Dragon Race" *Dawnguard n = 703 ELSEIF (i == 0x0402C88B) ; [RACE:0402C88B] DragonBlackRace "Dragon Race" **Dragonborn n = 704 ELSEIF (i == 0x0402C88C) ; [RACE:0402C88C] DLC2DragonBlackRace ""Dragon Race" **Dragonborn n = 705 ELSEIF (i == 0x00012E82) ; [RACE:00012E82] DragonRace "Dragon Race" i = aRef.GetFormID() IF (i == 0x0001CA03) ; [NPC_:0001CA03] EncDragon01Fire "Dragon" n = 711 ; [NPC_:000F8115] EncDragon01FireNoScript ; [NPC_:000F80FA] EncDragon01Frost ; [NPC_:000F8116] EncDragon01FrostNoScript ; [NPC_:000F80FD] EncDragon02Fire "Blood Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F8117] EncDragon02FireNoScript ; [NPC_:000F77F8] EncDragon02Frost ; [NPC_:000F8118] EncDragon02FrostNoScript ; [NPC_:000FEA9B] EncDragon03FireNoScript ; [NPC_:000351C3] EncDragon03Frost "Frost Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F8119] EncDragon03FrostNoScript ; [NPC_:000F811B] EncDragon04Fire "Elder Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F8103] EncDragon04FireNoScript ; [NPC_:000F811A] EncDragon04Frost "Elder Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F8102] EncDragon04FrostNoScript ; [NPC_:000F811C] EncDragon05Fire "Ancient Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F811D] EncDragon05FireNoScript ; [NPC_:000F811E] EncDragon05Frost "Ancient Dragon" ; [NPC_:000F811F] EncDragon05FrostNoScript ; [NPC_:0008BC7F] EncDragonSnow ; [NPC_:000E8710] EncDragonSnowNoScript ; [NPC_:0008BC7E] EncDragonTundra ;;; ELSEIF (i == 0x) ELSE n = 710 ; any other real dragon ENDIF ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;--------------------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_AnimalCreatures(Actor aRef, Race r) ; 500 .. 699 ;--------------------------------------------------- int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 500 ; Udefrykte IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x000F5D16) ; [KYWD:000F5D16] ActorTypeTroll IF (i == 0x00013205) ; [RACE:00013205] TrollRace "Troll" n = 601 ; troll ELSEIF (i == 0x00013206) ; [RACE:00013206] TrollFrostRace "Snow Troll" n = 602 ; iceTroll ELSEIF (i == 0x020117F5) ; [RACE:020117F5] DLC1TrollRaceArmored "Troll" *Dawnguard n = 603 ; armoredTroll ELSEIF (i == 0x020117F4) ; [RACE:020117F4] DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored "Snow Troll" *Dawnguard n = 604 ; armoredIceTroll ELSE n = 600 ENDIF ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x0001320A) ; [RACE:0001320A] WolfRace "Wolf" i = aRef.GetFormID() IF (i == 0x00023ABE) ; [NPC_:00023ABE] EncWolf "Wolf" n = 611 ; wolf ELSEIF (i == 0x00023ABF) ; [NPC_:00023ABF] EncWolfIce "Ice Wolf" n = 612 ; iceWolf ELSEIF (i == 0x0010FE05) ; [NPC_:0010FE05] EncWolfRed n = 613 ; redWolf ELSEIF (i == 0x000753CE) ; [NPC_:000753CE] EncWolfDead "Timberwolf" n = 614 ; Timberwolf ELSE n = 610 ; any other wolf ENDIF ELSEIF (i == 0x00106C10) ; [RACE:00106C10] C06WolfSpiritRace "Wolf" n = 619 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x00109C7C) ; [RACE:00109C7C] FoxRace "Fox" i = aRef.GetFormID() IF (i == 0x000829B3) ; [NPC_:000829B3] EncFox "Fox" n = 621 ; fox ELSEIF (i == 0x000829B6) ; [NPC_:000829B6] EncFoxArctic "Snow Fox" n = 622 ; iceFox ELSE n = 620 ; any other fox ENDIF ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000DE505) ; [RACE:000DE505] CartHorseRace "Horse" n = 501 ELSEIF (i == 0x000131FD) ; [RACE:000131FD] HorseRace ""Horse" n = 502 ELSEIF (i == 0x000A919D) ; [RACE:000A919D] ChickenRace "Chicken" n = 503 ELSEIF (i == 0x0004E785) ; [RACE:0004E785] CowRace "Highland Cow" n = 504 ELSEIF (i == 0x000CF89B) ; [RACE:000CF89B] DeerRace "Deer" n = 505 ELSEIF (i == 0x0200D0B2) ; [RACE:0200D0B2] DLC1DeerGlowRace "Deer" *Dawnguard n = 506 ELSEIF (i == 0x000131ED) ; [RACE:000131ED] ElkRace "Deer" n = 507 ELSEIF (i == 0x00104F45) ; [RACE:00104F45] WhiteStagRace "Deer" n = 508 ELSEIF (i == 0x000131FA) ; [RACE:000131FA] GoatRace "Goat" n = 509 ELSEIF (i == 0x0006FC4A) ; [RACE:0006FC4A] GoatDomesticsRace "Goat" n = 510 ELSEIF (i == 0x0006DC99) ; [RACE:0006DC99] HareRace "Rabbit" n = 511 ELSEIF (i == 0x000131FC) ; [RACE:000131FC] HorkerRace "Horker" n = 512 ; horker ELSEIF (i == 0x000131FF) ; [RACE:000131FF] MammothRace "Mammoth" n = 513 ; mamoth ELSEIF (i == 0x000BA545) ; [RACE:000BA545] MudcrabRace "Mudcrab" n = 514 ; mudCrab ELSEIF (i == 0x0401B647) ; [RACE:0401B647] DLC2MudcrabSolstheimRace "MudCrab" **Dragonborn n = 515 ; mudcrabSolstheim ELSEIF (i == 0x00013201) ; [RACE:00013201] SkeeverRace "Skeever" n = 516 ; skeever ELSEIF (i == 0x000C3EDF) ; [RACE:000C3EDF] SkeeverWhiteRace "Skeever" n = 517 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013203) ; [RACE:00013203] SlaughterfishRace "Slaughterfish" n = 518 ELSEIF (i == 0x0401B658) ; [RACE:0401B658] DLC2AshHopperRace "Scrib" **Dragonborn n = 519 ; AshHopper ELSEIF (i == 0x04024038) ; [RACE:04024038] DLC2BoarRace **Dragonborn n = 520 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000131E7) ; [RACE:000131E7] BearBrownRace "Bear" n = 531 ; bear ELSEIF (i == 0x000131E8) ; [RACE:000131E8] BearBlackRace "Cave Bear" n = 532 ; caveBear ELSEIF (i == 0x000131E9) ; [RACE:000131E9] BearSnowRace "Snow Bear" n = 533 ; iceBear ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x00013200) ; [RACE:00013200] SabreCatRace "Sabre Cat" n = 541 ; sabreCat ELSEIF (i == 0x00013202) ; [RACE:00013202] SabreCatSnowyRace "Snowy Sabre Cat" n = 542 ; iceSabreCat ELSEIF (i == 0x0200D0B6) ; [RACE:0200D0B6] DLC1SabreCatGlowRace "Sabre Cat" *Dawnguard n = 543 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000131EE) ; [RACE:000131EE] DogRace "Dog" n = 551 ; dog ELSEIF (i == 0x000F1AC4) ; [RACE:000F1AC4] DogCompanionRace "Dog" n = 552 ELSEIF (i == 0x000F905F) ; [RACE:000F905F] MG07DogRace "Dog" n = 553 ELSEIF (i == 0x000CD657) ; [RACE:000CD657] DA03BarbasDogRace "Dog" n = 554 ELSEIF (i == 0x02018B36) ; [RACE:02018B36] DLC1HuskyBareRace "Husky" *Dawnguard n = 555 ; huskie ELSEIF (i == 0x02018B33) ; [RACE:02018B33] DLC1HuskyArmoredRace "Armoured Husky" *Dawnguard n = 556 ELSEIF (i == 0x020122B7) ; [RACE:020122B7] DLC1HuskyBareCompanionRace "Husky Companion" *Dawnguard n = 557 ELSEIF (i == 0x02003D01) ; [RACE:02003D01] DLC1HuskyArmoredCompanionRace "Armoured Husky Companion" *Dawnguard n = 558 ; chaurusHunterFledgling ; frostbiteSpiderSnow ; giantFrostbitSpiderSnow ELSEIF (i == 0x000131EB) ; [RACE:000131EB] ChaurusRace "Chaurus" n = 571 ; chaurus ELSEIF (i == 0x000A5601) ; [RACE:000A5601] ChaurusReaperRace "Chaurus" n = 572 ; chaurusReaper ELSEIF (i == 0x020051FB) ; [RACE:020051FB] DLC1ChaurusHunterRace "Chaurus Flyer" *Dawnguard n = 573 ; chaurusHunter ELSEIF (i == 0x02015136) ; [RACE:02015136] *** frozen chaurus *** DLC1_BF_ChaurusRace n = 574 ; frozenChaurus ELSEIF myF_IsVT(aRef.GetVoiceType(), 0x0001F152) ; [VTYP:0001F152] CrChaurusVoice n = 570 ; unknown type of chaurus ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F8) ; [RACE:000131F8] FrostbiteSpiderRace "Frostbite Spider" n = 581 ; frostbiteSpider ELSEIF (i == 0x0004E507) ; [RACE:0004E507] FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant ""Frostbite Spider" n = 582 ; giantFrostbiteSpider ELSEIF (i == 0x00053477) ; [RACE:00053477] FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge "Frostbite Spider" n = 583 ELSEIF (i == 0x04014449) ; [RACE:04014449] DLC2ExpSpiderBaseRace "Frostbite Spider" **Dragonborn n = 584 ELSEIF (i == 0x04027483) ; [RACE:04027483] DLC2ExpSpiderPackmuleRace "Frostbite Spider" **Dragonborn n = 585 ELSEIF myF_IsVT(aRef.GetVoiceType(), 0x0001F21D) ; [VTYP:0001F21D] CrFrostbiteSpiderVoice n = 580 ; unknown frostbitespider ELSEIF myF_IsVT(aRef.GetVoiceType(), 0x0002AFD9) ; [VTYP:0002AFD9] CrFrostbiteSpiderGiantVoice n = 589 ; unknown frostbitespidergiant ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;--------------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_Creatures(Actor aRef, Race r) ;--------------------------------------------- int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 300 IF (i == 0x000131FB) ; [RACE:000131FB] HagravenRace "Hagraven" n = 301 ; Hagraven ELSEIF (i == 0x000B6F95) ; [RACE:000B6F95] MagicAnomalyRace "Essence of Magicka" n = 302 ; MagicAnomaly ELSEIF (i == 0x04017F44) ; [RACE:04017F44] DLC2RieklingRace **Dragonborn n = 303 ELSEIF (i == 0x0401A50A) ; [RACE:0401A50A] DLC2ThirskRieklingRace **Dragonborn n = 304 ; gargoyleBrute ; gargoyleSentinel ; darkGargoyle ; StoneGargoyle ; whispMother ELSEIF (i == 0x0200A2C6) ; [RACE:0200A2C6] DLC1GargoyleRace "Gargoyle" *Dawnguard n = 310 ; gargoyle ELSEIF (i == 0x02010D00) ; [RACE:02010D00] DLC1GargoyleVariantBossRace "Gargoyle" *Dawnguard n = 311 ELSEIF (i == 0x02019D86) ; [RACE:02019D86] DLC1GargoyleVariantGreenRace "Gargoyle" *Dawnguard n = 312 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000CDD84) ; [RACE:000CDD84] WerewolfBeastRace "Werewolf" n = 321 ; werewolf ELSEIF (i == 0x0401E17B) ; [RACE:0401E17B] DLC2WerebearBeastRace "Werewolf" **Dragonborn n = 322 ; werebear ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000131FE) ; [RACE:000131FE] IceWraithRace "Ice Wraith" n = 330 ; Ice Wraith ELSEIF (i == 0x04029EE7) ; [RACE:04029EE7] DLC2dunKarstaagIceWraithRace "Ice Wraith" **Dragonborn n = 331 ; Karstaag ELSEIF (i == 0x00013208) ; [RACE:00013208] WispRace "Wisp" n = 335 ELSEIF (i == 0x000F1182) ; [RACE:000F1182] WispShadeRace "Wisp" n = 336 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x00013204) ; [RACE:00013204] SprigganRace "Spriggan" n = 340 ; spriggan ELSEIF (i == 0x000F3903) ; [RACE:000F3903] SprigganMatronRace "Spriggan" n = 341 ; sprigganMatron ELSEIF (i == 0x02013B77) ; [RACE:02013B77] SprigganEarthMotherRace "Spriggan" *Dawnguard n = 342 ; sprigganEarthMother ELSEIF (i == 0x0401B644) ; [RACE:0401B644] DLC2SprigganBurntRace "Spriggan" **Dragonborn n = 343 ; BurntSpriggan ELSEIF (i == 0x0009AA44) ; [RACE:0009AA44] SprigganSwarmRace "Witchlight" n = 344 ELSEIF (i == 0x0009AA3C) ; [RACE:0009AA3C] SwarmRace "Witchlight" n = 345 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013209) ; [RACE:00013209] WitchlightRace "Witchlight" n = 346 ELSEIF (i == 0x04029EFC) ; [RACE:04029EFC] DLC2dunInstrumentsRace "Witchlight" **Dragonborn n = 347 ; ++ Giants ++ ELSEIF myF_IsVT(aRef.GetVoiceType(), 0x0001F225) ; [VTYP:0001F225] CrGiantVoice n = 360 i = i % 0x00100000 ; convert to FormId without load order position IF (i == 0x000131F9) ; [RACE:000131F9] GiantRace "Giant" n = 361 ; giant ELSEIF (i == 0x000CAE13) ; [RACE:000CAE13] C00GiantOutsideWhiterunRace on quest "C00GiantAttack" (000C97D9) as [Actor < (000C97D2)>] n = 362 ELSEIF (i == 0x0001CAD8) ; [RACE:0401CAD8] DLC2GhostFrostGiantRace "Ghost Giant" **Dragonborn n = 363 ; frostGiant ELSEIF (i == 0x00068C10) ; [RACE:0?068C10] 00GiantFrostRace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 364 ELSEIF (i == 0x00046613) ; [RACE:0?046613] 00GianttreantRace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 365 ELSEIF (i == 0x0006813E) ; [RACE:0?06813E] 00FireGiantrace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 366 ELSEIF (i == 0x000280CD) ; [RACE:0?0280CD] 00GiantbruteRace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 367 ENDIF ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x000131F4) ; [RACE:000131F4] FalmerRace "Falmer" n = 380 ELSEIF (i == 0x0201AACC) ; [RACE:0201AACC] *** NOT *** FalmerFrozenVampRace "Falmer" n = 381 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x04014495) ; [RACE:04014495] DLC2LurkerRace "Giant" **Dragonborn n = 390 ; Lurker ELSE i = i % 0x00100000 IF (i == 0x0001C358) ; [RACE:0?01C358] 00FalmerRaceHulk *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 382 ELSEIF (i == 0x000876CB) ; [RACE:0?0876CB] 00LurkerRace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 391 ELSEIF (i == 0x0005EA5E) ; [RACE:0?05EA5E] 00guarrace *** SkyMoMod.esm // Immersive Creatures n = 392 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------ Int FUNCTION myF_Humans(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------ int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 1000 IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x000D61D1) ; [KYWD:000D61D1] IsBeastRace n = 1019 ; ### unknown beast race ### IF (i == 0x00013740) ; [RACE:00013740] ArgonianRace "Argonian" n = 1001 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013745) ; [RACE:00013745] KhajiitRace "Khajiit" n = 1011 ENDIF ELSEIF (i == 0x00067CD8) ; [RACE:00067CD8] ElderRace "Old People Race" n = 1020 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013747) ; [RACE:00013747] OrcRace "Orsimer" n = 1021 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013744) ; [RACE:00013744] ImperialRace "Imperial" n = 1022 ELSEIF (i == 0x0002C659) ; [RACE:0002C659] ImperialRaceChild "Imperial" n = 1023 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013748) ; [RACE:00013748] RedguardRace "Redguard" n = 1024 ELSEIF (i == 0x0002C65A) ; [RACE:0002C65A] RedguardRaceChild "Redguard" n = 1025 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x0002C65C) ; [RACE:0002C65C] BretonRaceChild "Breton" n = 1031 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013741) ; [RACE:00013741] BretonRace "Breton" n = 1030 IF (aRef.GetFactionRank(Game.GetForm(0x00043599) as Faction) > -1) ; [FACT:00043599] ForswornFaction "Forsworn Faction" n = 1032 ; Forsworn IF (aRef.GetItemCount( Game.GetForm(0x0003AD61) ) > 0) ; [INGR:0003AD61] BriarHeart "Briar Heart" n = 1033 ; Forsworn Briarheart ENDIF ENDIF ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x00013746) ; [RACE:00013746] NordRace "Nord" n = 1040 ELSEIF (i == 0x0002C65B) ; [RACE:0002C65B] NordRaceChild "Nord" n = 1041 ELSEIF (i == 0x0007EAF3) ; [RACE:0007EAF3] NordRaceAstrid "Nord" n = 1042 ELSEIF (i == 0x0200E88A) ; [RACE:0200E88A] DLC1NordRace "Nord" *Dawnguard n = 1043 ELSEIF (i == 0x0010760A) ; [RACE:0010760A] ManakinRace "Nord" (Mannequins) n = 1044 ;--------- ELSEIF (i == 0x00013742) ; [RACE:00013742] DarkElfRace "Dunmer" n = 1050 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013743) ; [RACE:00013743] HighElfRace "Altmer" n = 1060 ELSEIF (i == 0x00013749) ; [RACE:00013749] WoodElfRace "Bosmer" n = 1070 ELSEIF (i == 0x0200377D) ; [RACE:0200377D] SnowElfRace "Snow Elf" *Dawnguard n = 1080 ELSEIF (i == 0x00071E6A) ; [RACE:00071E6A] InvisibleRace "Invisible Race" n = 1099 ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION ;------------------------------------------- Int FUNCTION myF_Vampire(Actor aRef, Race r) ;------------------------------------------- int i = r.GetFormID() int n = 100 IF myF_IsRaceKW(r, 0x00013794) ; [KYWD:00013794] ActorTypeNPC IF (i == 0x0008883A) ; [RACE:0008883A] ArgonianRaceVampire "Argonian" n = 101 ELSEIF (i == 0x0008883C) ; [RACE:0008883C] BretonRaceVampire "Breton" n = 102 ELSEIF (i == 0x00108272) ; [RACE:00108272] BretonRaceChildVampire "Breton" n = 103 ELSEIF (i == 0x0008883D) ; [RACE:0008883D] DarkElfRaceVampire "Dunmer" n = 104 ELSEIF (i == 0x000A82BA) ; [RACE:000A82BA] ElderRaceVampire "Old People Race" n = 105 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088840) ; [RACE:00088840] HighElfRaceVampire "Altmer" n = 106 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088844) ; [RACE:00088844] ImperialRaceVampire "Imperial" n = 107 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088845) ; [RACE:00088845] KhajiitRaceVampire "Khajiit" n = 108 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088794) ; [RACE:00088794] NordRaceVampire "Nord" n = 109 ELSEIF (i == 0x000A82B9) ; [RACE:000A82B9] OrcRaceVampire "Orsimer" n = 110 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088846) ; [RACE:00088846] RedguardRaceVampire "Redguard" n = 111 ELSEIF (i == 0x00088884) ; [RACE:00088884] WoodElfRaceVampire "Bosmer" n = 112 ENDIF ELSE n = 120 IF (i == 0x0200283A) ; [RACE:0200283A] DLC1VampireBeastRace "Vampire Lord" n = 121 ; VampireLord ENDIF ENDIF RETURN n ENDFUNCTION Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archny Posted January 24, 2020 Author Share Posted January 24, 2020 Hi ReDragon2013, got a little emotional to see all this scripts you wrote just to help others :smile:. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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