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[Future][REQ][Idea] Intelligent deathclaws in FO3


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Some definite spoilers in this for FO2 and FO3.. so just in-case.. if you haven't played either fully don't read this~









Background: Little obsession of mine, to me sentient life is precious and unique.


So when I found the vault-13ians in FO2... It was quite fun and interesting.


Although I was quite a bit irked when I found out that the only way to keep them (and/or from me seeing them) from getting all but completely massacred is to NOT help them with their machine problem.


The story apparently was that they were death claws subjected to FEV (more than normal I suppose) in order to produce more intelligent and domesticatable death claws for the Enclave. These particulars escaped and found an empty vault to hide in and such. (*edit: should have read a bit more.. says they helped kill off the vault 13 denziens, but then escaped enclave captivity and took up living in vault 13)


IE: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Deathclaw#Talking_deathclaws


This makes a slight appearance in FO3 but it isn't very much.



-My request, for whenever the SDK is released (or somehow this becomes possible without it):


You could start with that death claw you find in the enclave base.. instead of making it sort of a scripted encounter where a deathclaw dosen't rush you on sight.. A little poor voice-acting and animations, a short quest to save eachother's ass/tail and he could be a companion of sorts like Gorris.


From there, various other inclusions of that part of the FO2 story


Like perhaps a secluded town of these, or occasional wandering npcs in the leveled lists or such.


Would be interesting to be able to do a quest for them to kill them or help them or whatnot.. then you'd actually have to make sure that if you sneak up on a deathclaw, it isn't a friendly one or sorts.



In the future, I could see a conversion of the main story including them, perhaps even a playable race mod..


Although you'd have to figure out how an intelligent deathclaw would use a gun.. or work well without one.


Alternatively you could maybe do hairyish deathclaws from FOT, although how/why they migrated across the wastland from chicago to washington dc would be anyone's guess.

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As to if anyone wants to make a playable race mod..


I know this is impossible without the SDK but I'll just put it down in-case anybody wants to reference it.


My idea is to somehow intercept the race selection to before the sequence for "being born" is played. You pick between them.. at which case it plays the born sequence but from the diff race..


Human would work the same as normal, maybe an alternate start mod if you were feeling creative..


Ghouls probably wouldn't get born but maybe play a black n white memory sequence of the bomb and the hysteria surrounding it.. maybe you were a pre-war general, or a normal citizen, or a soldier.. etc..

Then you'd wake up in the underworld from a "bad dream", do stuff around the underworld to determine you starting stats/specials.. etc and hear about the main quest and the dude trying to revive it and decide to help/hinder em... ad etc


As a robot you'd get activated and have to do stuff for the main computer or residents, computer decides what you're good at, then something happens and you somehow gain autonomous thought or whatnot and travel the wasteland to do the main quest for some other reason..


An idea for the intelligent deatclaws could be that you get born from a hatchery, grow up and do various tribal things that they have.. practice tribal rights (like in FO2 but from a deathclaw perspective) to get what you're good at, run from the enclave and hide, etc.. And again something tying you to the main quest.


Etc for any other races you're thinking about..


I think the GRN radio DJ would still work to a degree but might need modifcation or such.. I'd like to see anyone imitate the great Three Dog.. that'd be difficult.

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