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Spellmaking: It might return


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I think I've figured out how to implement spell making in Skyrim. Of course it will be limited, but the initial results are looking great nonetheless.


This is what I've concluded so far:

- No spell can be created real-time.

- A limited amount of spells must be added, and effects can be turned on/off.

- Magnitude and duration can be modified for each magic effect.

- Spell casting type (targeted, channeled, selfcast etc.) cannot be modifed.

- Spell missile type cannot be modified.

- Spell description doesn't get updated when magnitude changes.


What I've yet to test:

- Self cast-effects on missile spells.

- Adding increased magicka for each effects. It shouldn't differ much from increasing magnitude though.

- Changing spell name in-game (SKSE has a function for this)


Currently I have a basic test spell that can deal both Fire and Shock damage. Although the fire damage can be disabled, the spell will still hurl a firebolt.


I would like to know what You would like to see in this mod. Which effects should be added? What should the player need to do to obtain effects? Which spell archetypes would you like to see? How many configurable spells should be added? Etc.


I would also like to learn how to create custom menus to make the modifying spells easier. If anyone have a link to a tutorial it'd be great.

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While Message.show() could indeed be used, I find it to be a very ugly sollution. Navigating in message-menus are often very confusing as well.


I've looked at CFM and SkyUI and they have their own custom .svf-file. Can a fully custom menu be added to the game, or does it need an existing menu to replace?

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