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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Update Date: 2008.12.19. -Added Links, List updates


Ok, new game, new forum main topic, new mods.

This Topic will or should be the future list of To Dos for all willing Modders. I will add all interesting mod suggestions into the list below.


RULES: If you have a good idea for a mod, post it below and back up your opinion. If

it's good, I will add it to the list(Don't worry, I'll be fair^^). Your Idea

needs a at least possible name and shouldn't be a mere one armor mod.

Also, please check the Masterlist BEFORE posting, you're idea might be in here already, thanks.


NOTE: GECK is out, yay^^. I wonder how long it'll take untill ALL suggestions below are done?

Also, the links I offer will be updated from time to time. I pick those mods which come close to the suggestions in this Topic and/or I think might improve Fallout 3.




Gameplay Fixes:

Aiming Fixes:

  • No Auto Aim made by Mimezu(LESS Auto Aim)
  • MrSlackPants-NoAutoAim made by MrSlackPants(Removes Auto Aim completely)
  • (A fix for Auto Aim would be necessary, deactivating will make the 3rd Person Perspective almost useless)

Camera Fixes:

  • (the 3rd person camera needs a fix, e.g. when the wall in your back is too close, the camera "hides"
    behind your pc so you're not able to see anything anymore. Also some items are not pickup able even
    though the crosshair is upon it. Also an additional plugin may activate an action zoom which zooms in
    when e.g. sneaking)

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Immortal Sitting Fix (this fix will fix the rather weird fact that [some]NPCs are almost invulnerable
    while sitting)
  • Pyromaniac Fix made by Galahaut

Sound Fixes:

  • NPC Drinking Sound Fix (this will replace the terrible "gulp" sound with something more realistic or at least something less annoying. Wittness this suffering fellow)

Visual Fixes:

  • Elevator View Fix (When riding the elevator in that washington Monument up, you can see a orange-ish texture which is supposed to be the wastes, this fix will fix the Distant Lod)
  • Rad Suit Covers Fix (this mod will fix the issue that the rad suit doesn't actually fix the pibboy..)



Gameplay Mods:


  • Dual Wielding Weapons(for handguns ofc^^)
  • Prettier(female) idles/Animations(women do usually not run like that, also the way the character holds a handgun is embarrassing, don't you think so, too?)
  • See you Sleep (This Mod will make sleeping abit more realistic and prettier, click on the Bed to lie down, then click again to choose how long you want to sleep. Here's the same Mod for Oblivion)
  • Southern Invasion (expansion mod, check this link)
  • Smoke up made by Quantumf8


  • (This will add Companions. E.g.: Cylon Robot[battlestar Galactica], Darth Vader[Obvious], Alucard[Hellsing]...)
  • Dogmeat Alternatives (This mod will offer alternatives to Dogmeat, e.g. Blood from the movie "A boy and his Dog", check this link for more info. Note that this shouldn't be a replacer mod!)

Conversion Mods:


  • Apperature Science Vault(Conversion of Portal, a Vault which also contains GlaDos and the Companion Cube^^.)
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • GLaDOS made by tnt90, etc.
  • Thriller[rofl, check CFriis87's 2nd post on page 8]
  • Waterworld[check CFriis87's post on page 8]


  • A gay Mod: Gender Perks Unlocked made by qzilla; (I'm absolutely supporting this idea! Gay and lesbian relationships should be possible. A Companion mod might be necessary for this.
  • Adopting Mods from Oblivion (several Mods from Oblivion could be taken to Fallout, check this Link.)
  • Alternative Stranger: (Alternatives to the Stranger, maybe Rikimaru/Ayame[Tenchu], Alucard[Hellsing], Freddy Krueger, The Pope, you get it)
  • Are you Hostile? (A mod that let's you say hello to other NPCs. Sounds rubbish? With this mod, you can check from afar if a NPC is hostile or not. If you ask and the NPC responds friendly or normaly, you don't have to be worried of being attacked, but if the NPC starts shooting or screams around... Well you get it^^ Very usful when using a No NPC and POI Markers Mod)
  • AutoDoc (This mod will change those Infirmaries you can buy for your house into an AutoDoc Robot[like those in Fallout 1&2], makes more sense I guess. Check this link for the Request)
  • Auto Holstering (This mod mill auto holsering the PC's weapon when talking to a friendly NPC, check this Link for the Request. I however think that this requires more work than you think at 1st, it would be quite deadly to holser you weapon when you meet
    the Talon Contract Killers the 1st time
  • Better Character creation (bigger screen[but I doubt that this will be doable], numbered sliders and more light)
  • Better Outcast Rewards (check this Link.)
  • Blast Doors (this mod allows you to blast open locked doors with explosives)
  • Brahmin Milk (This mod will add Brahmin Milk, which also heals rad alittle[When Moira healed your radiation, she also used something based on that])
  • Collectable Clutter and... Gore?!? (let's you collect more clutter like wheels, tires, bikes and gore[but why gore?])
  • Diseases (the pc can become ill with some serious sideeffects, you need to visit a doctor!)
  • Defecation mod (everyone needs to pee, this mod will allow you to do so; @JFSOCC: Sorry for writing this wrong)
  • Don't go out at night! (This mod will power up hostile NPCs at night, so it'll be alot more dangerous when going for a walk in moonshine, check this request)
  • Fallout Fasttravel (fast travel like in previous Fallout parts (check Macmert's post at the end of page 1, here's a Link to another page with a similar request)
  • Fighting Arena (like in Oblivion, check this link)
  • Formation and Orders (you can order teammates or NPCs via hotkeys, check this link.)
  • Freeplay after MQ (freeplay after Main Quest; made by Zalmoxis and DJ_Kovrik)
  • Gangsters and Gangs (a funny idea, check this Link)
  • I can't breath gas! (this mod will give you debuffs or something bad when in a gas-filled room)
  • Individual Idles/Animations (New standing idles, fixed diagonal running, New holster positions, new reloading, new melee fighting styles)
  • Living Wastelands (more Caravans and Ambushes, also check this Link and this 2nd Link.)
  • Let sleeping Raiders lie (sleeping enemies won't detect you if you sneak upon them, check this link.)
  • More animals (isn't it strange that only dogs and cows survived? This mod will add horses, deers, squirrels and all kind of different animals for a more atmospheric adventure! How about hunting a rare mutant 4 feet squirrel?)
  • More Radio Channels (why didn't I think of this? Midicow is right, additional radio channels would be a great addition)
  • Mutant Plants (careful, those will eat you if you're not careful!)
  • No Fast Travel (disables Fast travel, perfect for explorers who like me cannot resist sometimes^^; made by Lord_Santa)
  • No Laser/Flamer Disitegration anymore, Disable Ash and Goo Piles (enemies killed by laser shouldn't become ash piles all the time. Enemies killed by Flamethrowers should look like burned corpses. The Disable Ash and Goo Piles Mod made by Quarn will disable ash and goo piles when using Laser, Alien or Plasma weapons)
  • Nuka Cola Revamp (check this Link. This will add funny additional tastes and maybe quest for Nuka Cola^^)
  • Open Worlds - Megaton WIP by edherbs135(line Open Cities in Oblivion, this mod will open the cities[move them to the wasteland worldspace, so there's no loading when you enter])
  • Piercing Bullets (some weapons or ammunition with teflon coating may pierce through enemies)
  • PipBoy Armor Preview (this Mod allows you to preview the new armor you just found in you PipBoy, here the Link.)
  • Proton Pack from Ghostbusters for the GatlingLaser (indeed a nice idea, this will replace that ugly box on the PC's back with the Proton Pack from Ghostbusters)
  • RadMeters in the Wastelands (check this link. These clock like Geiger Counters are afaik everywhere in Chernobyl. Those could also be in the Wasteland to warn Travellers from dangerous radiation)
  • Realistic Landmines (Landmines are now harder to detect and to disarm. Check this Link.)
  • ReFill (this mod will refill containers with random stuff)
  • RL-3 r lee Ermey voice mod (I don't get it completely, please check Midicow's post on page 3 for details)
  • Scrapy Weapons (granades, rifles and such weapons will be more broken. Granades may also explode too early or not at all[no wonder, after 200 years...] while rifles aren't that accurate and effective anymore unless you completely fix them. Also, kinetic weapons may jam, energetic weapons may overheat. The Mod Jaynus Realism Overhaul offers one plugin which simulated jamming weapons and thus comes close to the above request)
  • Tenpenny Tower Radio (an interesting discovery. Would be great if someone could implement that station^^)
  • The Secret City (a Quest mod which will add THE Secret City, check this link.)
  • Thirst, Hunger & Sleep: jaynus - HungerThirstSleep made by jaynus; BasicNeeds made by AnT01;
  • Transform Mod (this mod let's you transform into a e.g. Supermutant with changed stats)
  • Trophies (killed Monsters' heads can be taken and mounted at home)
  • Unbinding Beds and such (This mod will unbind beds. E.g. if you sleep in someone's bed, you won't get kicked by your Karma unless you get caught.)
  • Vault.1 (a Quest mod which will add the 1st experimental vault, check this link.)
  • Vicious Children (Raiders and Ghouls also have children, they run around and bully you if you don't hunt them away. Check this Link.)
  • Washing Machine (lol, usable like the workbench. Cleans your cloths[actually a good idea^^])
  • Weapon Holsters (Weapons will be sheathed into a Holser and won't "float" at you hip or "stick" to your back, check this link.)
  • Weapon Mode Mod (this will add a hotkey with which you can switch the fire mode of your current weapon)
  • Wellcome to the real World! (this will make the wastelands more serious, e.g. more monsters/guards around Megaton[it's indeed weird that Megaton is surrounded by 3 Raider camps but is only protected by 1 Sheriff and a couple of guards...]. Check this Link for more details.)
  • Wondermeat Machine for your Home (this will add the possibility to steal the Wondermeat Machine so you can install it in your home, check this Link for details.)

PC's Houses:

  • Better House Themes(check this Link.)
  • Bigger Tenpenny Suite (This Mod will make the Tenpenny Suite bigger, check this Link.)
  • Minefield Mension made by Drew

PC Looks:


Improved Statistics:

  • Addiction/Sideeffect and Healing Mod (Stims and Med-X can cause addiction and/or sideeffects. Also, Stims won't "un-cripple" your limbs anymore and give you a HoT[heal over time] instead of an instant heal. After all, healing isn't as easy as just swallowing pills)
  • AP Overhaul (similar to the VATS Overhaul below, this will change AP to be more important in battle. Maybe similar to Fatigue in Oblivion, this will decrease on running and carrying much. Also, changing the weapon will lower it)
  • Chemicals & Drugs: Chem Rebalance (rebalancing for chemicals and medications; made by Isathar)
  • Disarm Overhaul (disarming traps and mines depends on your skills [and luck] now. If your skill isn't high enough, the trap/mine might be activated!)
  • DMG OVERHAUL (This mod will change several things about the dmg output the pc and hers/his weapons have. Lasers will be more powerful. Also, some enemies may be more vulnerable to specific weapons[e.g. laser against robots]. This mod will also fix the weird dmg change on the distance and on area of effect[headshot should really be more damaging. It's just ridiculous that you able to empty 2 clips into a raiders head...]. Last but not least, disemberment will be more depending on ammo type)
  • Fallout Balance Overhaul (Balancing Overhaul. It's very modular, so you can pick what you want. It offers many plugins from dmg tweaks to rare chem loots and perks overhaul; made by Xodarap777)
  • Heavy Blow Perk (chance to knock out your enemies, depends on your Luck[and maybe strength?])
  • Jaynus Realism Overhaul made by jaynus
  • KaBooM (stronger explosions and no bouncing granades!; made by taylorsd)
  • Karma more realistic?!? (Karma needs an overhaul, e.g. shooting at non living things in a city should have some sort of a negative effect. If you're bad, you should not be able to pick up [side]quests. Addiction should also lower your Karma. There should be special quests which allow you to proof that you're good again[like reputation grinding]. The adjustable Karma Revamp Mod, made by Brazuca will make Good Karma harder to achieve)
  • Level 100 Cap (Increases the Level Cap to 100; made by dimsumz)
  • More Meat (This mod will make hunting finally worth it. Depending on the size of the animal and how hard it was to kill it, you will get more or less meat, but in general more than vanilla)
  • More realistic Perception (perception affects e.g. accuracy and is finally usefull)
  • No Full Heal after sleeping (This mod will change the issue with sleeping being able to heal everything. This Mod should be adjustable to the players wishes, e.g. sleeping depending on med skill or no cripple heal)
  • Perks: Four Eyes Perk made by RoughBoy; Bloodier Bloody Mess (will make the Perk even Bloodier, check this link.); Sheathing Perk (a Perk that increases running speed when you sheath your weapon, check this link.); More/Oldschool Perks (will add or overhaul perks; Fallout 3 Balance Overhaul also offers a plugy which will overhaul and add Perks); Improved Nerd Rage Perk (this will improve the Nerd Rage Perk, check this Link.)
  • Radiation: Radiation Level Revamp made by SpineyNorman; (Radiation should have more serious effects. IRL, high radiation causes cells to get destroyed or mutated which causes inner bleedings. Old wounds will open and you loose your hair. On the other hand, it should be harder to "heal" radiation.)
  • Weapon Overhaul (Made by locksmithjones, this will overhaul Weapons and Armors and even add a cross repair function!)



Major Overhauls:

  • Advanced Robotics (more rewarding science skill; turrets e.g. will be friendly after successfull hacking)
  • Alchemistry (Clutter Items become usable for mixing own/new Buffs, Drugs and Potions; Check Conscripted's Post on the 2nd page for more details)
  • Classic Vaults (please check jeremy_mccurdy's post below)
  • Clean up the Dirt/Rumble (200 years after a nuclear war, honestly, houses and cities should be more clean by then...)DangerousWasteland (an Overhaul made by Wizard1200 which will make the Wastelands and it's hostile NPCs much more dangerous. Also available in different languages!)
  • Dialogue Decision Consequences (Decision and mean answers might change some story-elements)
  • Fallout 3 FPS-ed (this mod will remove Vats and overhaul the AP system and other things, check the link)
  • Fallout3 Monster Overhaul (leveled- and better AI for hostile NPCs, More random encounters, more big guns for [some] supermutants, randomized respawn)
  • GoreOut or: become a Cyborg (a gory mod, limbs can be shot off w/o actually killing the victim. She/he or it may give up and the PC can decide to spare them. Feral Ghouls however will still charge at you, even w/o head! Optional: PC's limbs can also be shot off. The only way to recover from that is to get a mechanic limb e.g. This mod also requires new animations[since you can walk/run with only 1 leg])
  • Let it be DARK! (dungeon's light sources can be switched off[by cutting the wires or shooting the light bulbs. Maybe, you have to find the power room to switch it off]. Then, steathy characters have a serious advantage! Dungeon NPCs should feel more nervous and scared then. Also necessary for this: Night/Heat Vision Mod, see the Minor Mods)
  • Lockpicking Overhaul (not only different skins, but maybe different models for the locks you lockpick. Also, depending on the new model, this minigame behaves different, just like in reality)
  • Melee Overhaul (melee combat needs to be reworked, closing in has to be easier, maybe speed buff when unarmed/melee equiped, more dmg, havier cripple effects/debuffs on hits)
  • More Dangerous Nights (not only more dangerous, but also special mutants appear)
  • More realistic Sneaking (enhancement to sneak; no more "enemies detect you through walls" and such. I highly recommend the Fallout 3 Balance Overhaul, it offers 2 plugins for better seaking)
  • No Psychic Guards (Oblivion Players will know this mod; The AI needs an Overhaul, so your "secret" crimes are not auto detected[e.g.: How the heck do all NPCs know that you killed Mr/Mrs X even though noone was around to see it?]. Here a Link with the Request)
  • Scavenger Overhaul Mod (please check DDigit's post on the 1st page and Zwiq's post on the 2nd page; this mod will change items, attributes and adds new inventions which required items require exploration. Also, ballistic weapons will be rarer if the player wishes so. Melee weapons on the other hand will have a renaissance)
  • Welcome to the Wasteland (This will make the wastelands harsher and more dangerous. Similar to the Scavenger request above; made by Aviram Gottfried)

Companion Overhaul:

VATS Overhaul:

  • Fast VATS made by the_philanthropy
  • (Adjustable mod, expensive AP for the 1st shot, following shots into same body part become cheaper. Also Melee weapons can be used on single body parts instead of full body.)

Major Projects:

  • Adoptable Children (A Mod that allows you to adopt a child. Sounds simple at 1st, but once you read the request, you know why I placed it under Major Projects.)
  • Alternative Start (This Mod allows you to disable the Main Quest and start somewhere completely different. For more Infos, check this Link)
  • Buildable Sentries and Robots [check Robco Certified] (please check Midicow's and Zwiq's posts below; Robco Certified will allow to build robots which will be at least for some time be friendly companions; made by Talkie Toaster)
  • Dangerous Mutants (additional mutants, please check Midicow's post on page 4)
  • Explorable West Coast(USA) (..and maybe other regions like Europe)
  • Face exchange (like the tool for oblivion, this mod let's you save your current face and use it for your new character)
  • Gambling for Fallout 3 (will add playable(!) gambling to Fallout 3)
  • Gangwars (This will add Gangs and conflicts between gangs, maybe even a questline. Check this Link.)
  • Item Randomizer (this mod will everytime you start a new game randomize all items you may find[unique weapons might be a NPC's weapon instead of lying around in a specific location. Also the skill books will be somewhere else now])
  • Make a difference Mod (cusomizable Wastelands and cities; check JFSOCC's post below[still this page]. Also, old factories should be reactivatable once you fulfill specific requirements, check this Link)
  • Mutant/Ghoul Mod (PC can become a Mutant/Ghoul, NPC react different to PC. Similar to Vampire illness in Oblivion)
  • Online Mod (I doubt that this would work, but because of the request below, I'll add it. This mod will allow 2 players to play a Coop mode. This requires both players to have the same or no mods[except for this one ofc])
  • Reenterable Vault 101, aka No Amata/MrOverseer I don't want to leave the Vault! (you can reenter Vault 101[maybe after beeting the MQ], major project because of the dialogues, NPCs and other things which might need some overwork)
  • Ridable Vehicles (This requires alot of work, not only models for the vehicles, but also animations for the character. Possible vehicles/animals could be a car, motorcycle, vertibird, horse, brahmin, Yao Guai, etc. Good luck in creating this^^)
  • Robot Faction (a new faction, only robots are welcome! Requirements would be a new city and maybe a new quest line)
  • Super Mutant Expansion (I didn't read the suggestion[cause of the spoilers], here the Link.)
  • Stupid Dialogues, I R Smart Skill check dialogue replacer (Low Int results in stupid dialogue options, check this Link. I R Smart will replace some of the possible answers with more intelligent ones, made by Bhlaab. Not exactly like the request, but already a step into the right direction)
  • VRaptor Race (a new race, the VRaptors will be added into the game. There will be new settlements, new quest and as you can already guess, new NPCs. You think a dinosaur doesn't fit? Think of the Deathclaws for a second and than read this LINK)



Performance & Tools:

  • Disable Games for Windows LIVE (made by Quarn, this will -you guessed it- disable games for WinLIVE for a better performance. Propably not compatible with custom UIs yet)
  • FO3Edit (made by ElminsterAU, this is a basic Modding tool useful for inserting custom items and replacing stuff)
  • FOSE (Fallout 3 Script Extender; necessary for several major overhauls, projects and minor mods)
  • FOMM (Absolutely necessary for managing your mods; made by Timeslip)
  • The GECK (YES!!! Our new tool for customization!)
  • Streamline (for better performance, especially when using many mods; Auto Save after specific time)



Special Equipment:

Conversion Items:


  • Backpack Mod (check this link. PC can only wear let's say 100 pounds, but by equiping a backpack[also visible] the PC can wear the usual 100 pounds or more)
  • Binoculars (Something like a scope bounded to a hotkey would be great. With the mousewheel you should be able to zoom in/out)
  • Camping Set (a protable Tent and Bedroll, so you can camp whereever you want)[/i]
  • Gasmasks (check this link. Those could also have special effects and maybe offer worse view)
  • Grappling Hook (this mod let's you climb on high areas for sniping)
  • Jetpack! (check this Link.)
  • Jewelry (this will add jewelry to the game. Their purpose have to be discussed, but I am for special buffs like more AP or higher critical dmg, just like in classic RPGs)
  • Night Vision Sunglasses (equipable Night Vision/Infra Red Goggles let you see in dark places. The Night Vision Sunglasses made by Lost Cosmonaut will add night vision glasses[obvious, isn't it?]. Great addon^^)

Power Armor:

  • Alternative Power Armor (no, this isn't a mere Power Armor Mod, but some sort of vehicle you can enter. It will give you several bonuses depending on the model. Also: a unique "overthrow the enemy" weapon)
  • Power Armor Overhaul (an adjustable Mod which will change the Power Armor to the liking of the player, may it be no sneaking or more capacity, a "built-in-weapon"[check this Link] or maybe special abilities, this mod will allow you to choose)
  • Stealth Power Armor made by Ravioli


  • Bows and Crossbows (this Mod will add Bows and Crossbows)
  • Classic Weapons and Armors(Fallout 1 & 2 Equipment)
  • Cryolator (the by Beth planned Freeze Gun, check this Link.)
  • Junks becomes Weapon (let's you turn junk to a more or less usefull weapon, check this link.)
  • Remote bombs(throw[or place a bomb] and detonate it with a 2nd press on the shoot button)
  • Ripper Rifle made by ZomBuster
  • Scrapyard Melee Weapons (Renaissance for Melee Weapons[i also included this mod in "Scavenger Overhaul Mod)



Visual Improvements:

  • Ash Piles (should be able to be blown away, leaving the weapons behind. Also, their size should vary depending on the enemy)
  • Better Cities (like in Oblivion, this mod will make the Cities look alot better and more alive, Check this Link also.)
  • BoS Busywork (Brotherhood of Steel Soldiers will now work and not only stand around, check this link.)
  • Cleaner Beds v2 (cleaner or optional dirtier beds; made by Chewu)
  • Full Gloved Pip Boy (check this Link.)
  • More Realistic Flamethrower (That is something I wonder about all the time, realistic flamethrowers actually work different than those in games, maybe someone changes this finally. Here some Sources: Flamethrowers in Vietnam and How Flamethrowers work.)
  • Repaired Cabinets and Furnitures (You can now get prettier furnitures for your house, check this Link.)
  • Unique Landscapes (some of my ideas: Dead forest[or maybe Ash Forest], waste pits[where all the dead bodies and garbage will be taken], Radiation Marsh, etc. etc...)
  • Smoother VATS (will make the "following the bullet" perspective less wobbling)

Weather Effects:




WTF, I need another UI!!!:



Message Spam Prevention:

UI Adjustments:

  • CND Condition Tweak(Percentage or Number instead of bar)
  • MTUI made by Max Tael
  • Dynamic HUD coloring(Hud color changes depending on the current situation and/or time)
  • No NPC markers and POI made by Deaderinred
  • Time and Date on Hud or Pipboy

Some Information:

The Titles like Gameplay Mods should only be some help to find thinks faster, they aren't completely accurate. It would be great if you once you add an Idea also use the Titles I used, so I can sort them in faster, thank you^^.

Also, there seems to be some sort of bug once I update the list(doesn't save the changes or adds e.g. in frong and back of some things...

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Minor-ish Mod (can be done without a CS):

Classic weapon and armor mods. I want to see the original Fallout 1&2 Laser and Plasma weapons, also the original alien blaster. The ones in Fallout 3 aren't bad, but playing with the classic versions in 3d would be a lot of fun.


Reference images/stats:







As you can see, both the Laser Rifle and Plasma Pistol have scopes, so we'd also have two new sniper weapons!

Major Overhaul (Requires CS):

A classic style Vault, just for fun. The same style of layout as the vaults in 1&2 had with three levels separated by an elevator: Entrance with med bay, Living quarters, and command center with the big Overseer chair.


There's several Vaults with background stories that haven't been touched in the game that would make for awesome questlines and exploration.



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Intelligent deathclaws, some quest changes, and playable races mod.. etc



Also what would be great would be an alternate ending mod that would allow you, through your actions, to instead of getting some crappy game-over movie.. able to not only continue to play on (in most instances) but ..


To accomplish something on a grander scale like:


1. Blowing Washington dc up, obviously bad ending and would be hard to continue playing, probably the result of all the evil endings of the sidequests.


2. Making a new capital like the one in FO2, the republic of California, if you save enough people and sidequests on the good side, it becomes easier to convince each to join a commonwealth with the DC brotherhood, and perhaps even elect a president.


3. Causing a mafia family or family to start up via the slavers and such that make a city like new Reno.


Obviously the ones that make a new city wouldn't cause a city to sprout up overnight.. unless perhaps your character "wandered the wasteland" for a number of years and comes back looking much older.


Alternatively you could help or hurt these citys getting build up.. and eventually they'll evolve and such..



Other imaginative endings/continuations.. etc


Feels like to me, that BETH tried too hard to emulate fallout 1 and 2 in some aspects instead of making their own version, to keep from pissing fanboys off.. But they never realized that no matter what you do to a series, you'll always piss fanboys off.


Really the best course of action is to make a game to the best of your abilities, and make it fun.. and in BETH's case: make it moddable as well.

That way everyone wins.

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This is my first visit to the nexus forums, came in because I was looking for some kind of camera mod that would move the camera similar to the camera centering mod already posted.


Though what I'd like to see, and sadly lack the talent to do myself, is a camera mod that moves the 'over the shoulder' camera to a location that actually is over the shoulder. The vanilla cam is shoulder level and a bit too far to the right so if you're using the third person cam it throws off your aim and frequently results in camera blocking.


So I guess if someone has the time and talent they could call it the "Real Over the Shoulder Camera" mod and just move that camera up to about head level, and a bit to the left.

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Advanced Robotics

A Mod for the Technologically Oriented Characters


Scope: Large conversion, most likely



What it Does

Alter "Science" skill to allow the hacking of robots. Terminals are rated at Easy, Average, Hard, and Very Hard. The new science skill would apply the same principle to robots within the game. For instance, Protectrons and mounted turrets would be "Easy," meaning they only needed a Science skill of 25 to attempt to hack. The more dangerous the robot, the more difficult it is to hack. For example, the Sentry robot (with the minigun arms) would require a science skill of 100.

Hacking the robots would make them friendly towards the player, causing them to shoot enemies and ignore the player.


In addition to the alteration of the science skill, the perk "Robotics Expert" would be changed to include the allowance of robotic companions. Upon a successful hack , the player would be given the choice to have the robot follow him, or for it to continue on its merry way as a friendly 'bot. Robots following the player would act as normal companions, following the character everywhere and protecting him from enemies.


Bonus Points: Several new robot types could be included into the game. Robots with similar sizes to Bloatflies that hover about and shoot laser blasts, robotic dogs with chainsaw teeth, Humanoid bots that have the ability to equip human weaponry, etc, etc. Get creative!





I feel that the science skill is almost entirely worthless as is. You can unlock some safes, get some side-information, maybe turn on some turrets. That's about it, though. With all the advances in robotics this civilization seems to have made, and with there being at least one character (the mechanist) who can build and program these robots to fight for him, it seems silly to me that all these mechanized critters wandering around the wastes must be enemies. I don't see why somebody with an advanced understanding of science wouldn't be able to do a little on-the-fly reprogramming, you know?


Setting that aside, there are embarrassingly few companions in this game. I think being able to recruit "throw-away" robot characters such as protectrons would add a fun edge to the game. Hack a Mister Gutsy and you can have some disposable fire support in Old Olney. Or go for a slightly more long-term solution and hack one of the rare sentry bots scattered around the wasteland.

This would make the non-combatant builds a little more viable. With a robot body guard I could face the hazards of the waste with a traveling scientist/merchant/explorer, or create a "Fast-Response" type character to storm heavily defended positions whilst donning power armor, backed up by a big-ass robot.

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As an additional to above suggestion.. maybe if you have 50 or more repair and science you can go to the robot superhero's hideout and construct robots for your own use? D:


Gather all those spare parts, and maybe kill robots for special robot parts, and build your own customized robots ftw.


I'd make a robot on wheels that could shoot a mini chaingun and maybe had some sawblades.. zip around and shoot~


Would require you stock it with ammo ofc, and batteries, and when building you'd use a chaingun or something, and some other tools and supplies as well as tires and servos and junk.


what would be even more epic is if you had to find/hack schematics out of things and combine them, then use your science skill to hack them into a tape deck, to improve the programming of your robot so it can do more advanced functions and tactics.

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A very simple request.


When using the PIPBOY i want to see a number and not a stupid bar.

For both weapons and armor. Repairing Stuff is wild guessing in what shape the item actually is, then showing the exact percentage for how much it will be better, and the displayed result is again a couple of reversed blanks ...

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Something occurred to me while I was playing today that one staple of the previous Fallout games is missing: Gambling.

Major Modifications (Requires CS):

I'd love to see slot machines, roulette tables, and poker tables in the bars around the wastes. Furthermore, it'd be nice if they were stat dependent.


For example:

Slot Machine outcomes would be affected by both luck and perception.

Roulette by luck.

The draw of the cards in poker by luck, and the result based on actual player talent at poker.


I'd also like to see a casino or two, maybe run by a mob boss backed up by a quest line.


It only seems right that people who put their points into luck should be able to strike it rich at the tables instead of being a gopher for everyone.



In a similar vein of thought, I'd love to see a pool minigame, the assets are there, the physics is competent enough to handle it, and it'd be a fun little thing to do on the side. This might be above and beyond the scope of what a CS is capable of, but it'd be great to be a pool shark.

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Personally I think if someone was ambitious enough, it would be cool to go back to the west coast. It would have changed (though I'm not sure by how much) since Fallout 2 and it would be cool to explore the NCR and Vault City or Gecko etc. Especially in 3D.


Whoever does do this would have to be very ambitious, and would need to be able to model new buildings and stuff.

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