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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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1. Ironsights for weapons - reason: obvious.


2. Does Dogmeat positively effect perception?? - I donlt think he does but if I'm wrong just say so - and if not then having him with you SHOULD significantly improve your perception - reason: after the novelty of having him along wore off and I got sick of him running off attacking badguys I had no idea were there - I simply parked Dogmeat at my Megaton house and left him there. We need a benefit of having him with us - and increased perception would be perfect.

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I am not so knowledgeable in modding so bare with me.


I believe the melee system of Fallout 3 is beyond flawed, however like some people mentioned. Dealing with sneak, adding more short term companions(robots? animals) would add in a lot more immersion into the game. Because then your able to sneak and flank enemies from behind.


But the way it is now, you cant really utilize the melee weapons 100% without using guns. Not to mention in heavy battles, using a melee weapon against say.. 3 raiders = total fail.


I wish there were more melee perks that were actually useful. Take Ninja perk for example, perhaps it can also increase the players running speed.

Not to mention the palm attack perk(unarmed) perhaps someone could create a perk like the palm attack using a dagger?

As I see it now, sandman is kinda useless, its an assassination type of perk but you rarely need it because you can use vats and kill the sleeping npc either way.


I know what am typing is a bunch of mumble jumble but hopefully someone can rephrase my crap to illustrate that I want melee to be redone

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I am not so knowledgeable in modding so bare with me.


I believe the melee system of Fallout 3 is beyond flawed, however like some people mentioned. Dealing with sneak, adding more short term companions(robots? animals) would add in a lot more immersion into the game. Because then your able to sneak and flank enemies from behind.


But the way it is now, you cant really utilize the melee weapons 100% without using guns. Not to mention in heavy battles, using a melee weapon against say.. 3 raiders = total fail.


I wish there were more melee perks that were actually useful. Take Ninja perk for example, perhaps it can also increase the players running speed.

Not to mention the palm attack perk(unarmed) perhaps someone could create a perk like the palm attack using a dagger?

As I see it now, sandman is kinda useless, its an assassination type of perk but you rarely need it because you can use vats and kill the sleeping npc either way.


I know what am typing is a bunch of mumble jumble but hopefully someone can rephrase my crap to illustrate that I want melee to be redone


Actually I have been playing almost exclusively melee for my current char. It isn't as easy as using guns b/c you often have to close distance with no cover, which is when I bust out a gun, but once I close I switch to the ripper. It works very well if you put points into strength and melee but you do have to be more tactical and generally duck around corners alot and use doorways as choke points. It's actually kind of a blast fighting 3 raiders who are shooting you in a small room and cutting their arms off (with a sword) after backing them into corners etc.


So I don't agree that it's that unbalanced. I do agree that more melee-oriented perks would be useful. I especially miss the one that gave you several free APs just for movement, that was extremely useful for a melee char because it meant you could close quicker. Maybe the FO3 equivalent would just boost movement speed by maybe 25% per rank, maybe 2 ranks max. Not sure on the exact numbers. No- actually make it this - "Your character has spent a significant amount of time training with melee weapons. Instead of slowing you down, your movement speed is now slightly increased when you have a melee weapon deployed."


Also, I found mines to be extremely rewarding using my melee character, once I realized I could not set off my own mines accidentally. I'd also like to be able to just sharpen the edged weapons instead of the generic repair mechanic. I've never heard of people repairing a knife or sword, but I suppose I happens very occasionally. A well-made fixed blade knife should not fall apart over time, besides caring for the blade itself. If the blade breaks, you get a new knife. If the handle broke, I guess I would wrap it in duct tape or something. I don't think the repairing thing really makes sense for stuff that has no moving parts. I've actually found sharpening stones in the game, so that maybe helps a bit, lol.


Not sure what I'm typing anymore either, so I totally understand. Besides better perks, is there anything else specific you can think of how you would have the melee system changed? I definitely want "draw your weapon" animations for the different weapons instead of a generic sword-drawing one that looks particularly bad for the switchblade, i.e. it actually functions as a fixed blade in this game. Oh I know - combat grab! I want some kind of stand-up grappling, even if it's really simple, like grab and control the gun arm with your left while you bring the ripper in with the right + only available when one hand is empty.


Aside from melee, how about being able to target the groin in VATS? In the old days, it was a good way to knock someone out. When the groin is crippled, they should be unable to do anything but lurch forward like a drug mule in the line at customs. The finishing animation could be like the whole pelvis turns to mush, and both legs separate at the hip.


I would definitely like someone to patch the gaping holes in AI behavior, for example how you can carry things off tables and no one bats an eye and then you throw it all in a pile in a dark corner, crouch down, and steal the entire room and nobody bats a friggin eyelash, or even comments about the new emptiness of the room. You can also turn a bar into a shooting gallery, and as long as it's only non-living objects you are shooting, again, nobody seems to even notice. They should be yelling and pointing their weapons at me telling me to get out, put it away, etc, and then shoot me if I don't comply. The Karma system needs to be reworked with regard to owned items. They should not retain their owned status after the owner dies, and since "Karma" is really Reputation, stealing things without getting caught should not effect it at all. Why were they able to have a system in Oblivion where crimes would be noticed or not based on whether you were observed in the act, yet they stepped backwards in this regard. It never seemed to matter much because as good character I didn't steal much and as a bad character I want lower Karma anyways, but it's just something that stuck out for me as not making any damn sense. I mean I guess that's why it's called Karma, because it does function whether the act is observed or not. I just don't understand the reasoning behind making it Karma and not Reputation. I just thought about it and, even if they don't see you, there are many cases in the game where they should immediately figure out that I took something, it had to be me, and it just happened, but they don't notice. In these cases they should notice and then my Karma should go down, but not until it is noticed, and only if a reasonable person would conclude it was me given the circumstances. No more AI detecting you through walls, attacking against insurmountable odds (a single raider with a tire iron should not charge a power armor-wearing guy with a minigun, he should try to get out of my line of sight and then either sneak away or sneak-flank me. Maybe throw a grenade at me and then sprint away, or try and bait me with mines, etc.


For as much demand as a broken game like this generates demand for good mods, I am annoyed that Bethesda even considered not releasing the mod tools. If they released the CS with the game like normal, I would have my ironsights by now. I would really like to know what considerations they are grappling with over there. Obviously the tools exist b/c Bethesda always creates a CS to use to make the game. I sincerely hope they are not considering setting themselves up as the only source of complex mods in order to corner the market and charge for DLC. Never forget the Horse Armor Fiasco!

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Weather effects.

I don't care if it's lore or not, or anyother arguemtns. The passing of days just gets boring without rainfall and the occasional brooding, cloudfilled skies.


Better Hand to Hand Combat Animation.

Petty, perhaps, but I want to see some head kicks and perhaps a spinning back kick, ala Van Damme in Cyborg.


Wayyyy more clothing and weapons.

There just aren't enough. This was a problem in Oblivion as well.


In general, I'm just starting to feel Bethseda's conception of Fallout leaves the world a bit lifeless...

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we need some guns to replace the vanilla ones, like the p90 although the reload animation will need some work an MP5 pdw or MP7 to replace the SMG, also something to replace the combat shotgun, would like to see a Jackhammer here but once again the reload animation will need work so maybe the USAS 12
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Weather effects.

I don't care if it's lore or not, or anyother arguemtns. The passing of days just gets boring without rainfall and the occasional brooding, cloudfilled skies.





why: nifty effects, might even be able to use nukacola bottles to harvest dirty water, then use a water purifyer to make pure water.

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If the code for alchemical mixtures is still in the game, like others have mentioned, how about a way to use all those empty bottles to mix different drugs, drinks and machine lubricants? The ability to manufacture your own purified water, ultra-jet, super-ultra-jet, psycho, gun oil, soy milk, colored water, purple people eater, moonshine, etc. for fun and/or profit could utilize a system that is already built into the game and can cross into the ambitious science skill=robotics mod, as well as create a means of slowing down/fixing weapons with a bottle and getting a source of rad free hp.


We already know that you need

two (2) jet and one (1) box of sugar bombs

to make ultra-jet, so why not let the player make the stuff? With all the raw ingredients in the wasteland, such as the radiation eating fungus, canned food items, ready available drugs and animal byproducts (deathclaw hands and <insert animal> meat), and all those worthless empty bottles, there should be a large variety of interesting recipes for all sorts of things.


We could call it the "Cooking with Vegeta" mod... or probably something more adept like the "Kitchen Creations" mod.


ETA: These are just some of the random ideas I've come up with. Read or ignore them as you wish.


Please append "+ one (1) empty bottle" or "+ one (1) empty syringe" as necessary.


Ultra Mega Jet = two (2) Ultra Jet + one (1) Fancy Lads Snack Cakes

Four times the power with only ten times the side effects!


Fresh Milk = one (1) Purified Water + one (1) Fresh Potato

It does a body good.


Fruit Juice = one (1) Fresh Apple OR Pear OR Carrot OR Mutfuit + one (1) Water

It cures cancer.


TV Dinner = one (1) Blamco Mac & Cheese + one (1) Salisbury Steak + one (1) Junk Food

Three thousand calories with 250% your daily fat and oddly no taste whatsoever.


Cake = one (1) Fresh Milk + one (1) Yum Yum Deviled Eggs + one (1) flour + one (1) Dandy Boy Apple

Look at me still talking when there's science to do.


Eight Hour Energy = one (1) Pack Cigarettes + one (1) Alcoholic Beverage

Get the energy, without the crash!


Twenty Four Hour Energy = one (1) Carton Cigarettes + one (1) Alcoholic Beverage(s)

Side effects may include...


AP Oil = one (1) <animal> meat + one (1) Abroxo Cleaner

All Purpose Oil for all purposes.


Deadly Poison = one (1) Radscorpion Poison Gland + one (1) Alcoholic Beverage

As opposed to the "good for you" kind.


Super Stimpack = two (2) Stimpack(s) + one (1) Med-X

It hurts worse, yet I feel better?!


Cherry Nucka-Cola = one (1) Nuka-Cola + one (1) BloodPack

The new Taste Sensation.


More to come if I ever get another brainstorm.

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