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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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the "repair stuff with scrap" has been done already too in both the cross-repair weapons and armor mods.


I had an idea for "fixing" ai..


First, make all non-quest ai friendly to the player, but attach a script to the ones that are supposed to be enemies.


When the player is within sight of the ai and relatively close, check if the ai is attached to an animal effected by the animal lover perk and do that.. or wait a few seconds.. and then turn hostile

Maybe also activate this script when they hear gunshots or see "friendly" ai dying or under attack.. as well as activating on sight.


This would eliminate companions randomly running off.. would feel more realistic.. and would eliminate the silly "WHO'S THERE" type shouts untill the npc (roleplay wise) would actually know there was a hostile nearby.


should also add a clause to the script that detected if you used a melee or silenced weapon.. if the npc wasn't killed in view of the other npcs then the script wouldn't turn them hostile.. silenced kill!



Also as in a prior statement in this thread.. cooking would be great!


Maybe be able to use a stove instead of looting it... put various meats and other ingredients in there and leave them...


If there is a valid combination they'll "turn into" something good over time which is a good cooked food item.. if you leave it in longer or if the combination wasn't any good it'll turn into various burnt food and/or "Bad tasting food" or whatnot..


Could put a book in that detailed the recipies..


Also an addition to the animal friend perk... maybe level 3 lets you bribe animals with food to get them to follow and help you like companions.

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the "repair stuff with scrap" has been done already too in both the cross-repair weapons and armor mods.


I'm aware of this, but this lets you repair robots you've destroyed, which then become allies that follow you around until they are destroyed or dismissed. Did you even click the link? This has not been done before.



My mistake, you must have been referring to the poster before me.

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Ash piles go away..






Surgical mask recolor as a unique item



Non disintegrating lasers and conversely disintegrating flamers



Iron/medieval/mad max looking mask replacement for hockey mask






Dangerous nights~



Mutated dogmeat "replacements"



BOS from FOT power armor



Easier to spot player mines



Companion status UI



"Powered" power armor that increases your movement speed and jumping ability



Fighting arena



Southern invasion!



Ditch instant-healing objects / restructure stim and healing use



Deification mod



Time and Date on hud or pipboy



Pre-war ruined banks



Make ruined cars not so, "explodey"



Better nuked skies (daytime)



Minimap without the pipboy up



Power armor hud and visible perspective helmets




Vampire type disease/gameplay dynamics (like in oblivion) in Fo3



Dual wielding weapons


My own: Maybe a mod that keeps vats/pipboy/etc from freezing gameplay.. especially on the vats part selection screen.. you press V and it goes into vats but everyone is still coming at you.. and you get to select your target that way..


Would be awesome if going into pipboy/vats would simply slow down time a little

Maybe for conversations too..

Would need some quickkeys for targeting individual body parts but it would look so much more awesome.



Somebody else's idea:


Shooting/hitting limbs off and not killing the victim..

Crippled limb? HAH HOW ABOUT NO LIMB?


Obv only radroaches would survive with no head though..


Maybe if your limbs got shot off you'd have to go find them and get them sewn back on and treated by a doctor.. or sneak into a vault and get it replaced.


And maybe cybernetic limbs as well, you'd have to repair them using scrap metal and blood packs but maybe have them give resistance bonuses and such.

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Multiplayer. PvP multiplayer especially. See this thread:




Oi, heard this same idea thrown around about Oblivion, and I just can't give my support to it! Adding other players would absolutely destroy the sense of immersion created by Bethesda's beautiful worlds! These worlds were never meant to be an MMORPG, and I just couldn't support butchering them into such a thing.

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Oh my gosh, midicow... That's too much, you think I will finish updating the list in this life with your ideas?^^


@TerminusPrime btw,

Wouldn't that be like Hellgate London then? Also, multiplayer options are really possible, but believe me, you wouldn't enjoy it at all. Other players would have to have the absolutely same mods you have(or no mods except for the multiplayer one ofc). And finally the lag would just kill gameplay, not to think of the spontaneous CTDs.

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