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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Suggest a range of basic home made weapons. Others have made similar suggestions and I have also but here I wish to specify particular models.


History (of our world) is full of weapons being re/constructed with low resources and with desperation such as the stengun, crossbows, Molotov cocktail, various 'zipguns' or 'piipeguns' as they have been called in different places.


But why not focus more on the Fallout 3 history?

I suspect many of these will be hard to put into practice.


Flamer cocktail

take an empty bottle, fill it with flamer fuel etc. find some way to ignite it and throw.

Flamer grenade

more sophisticated and expensive version of flamer cocktail

Flamer mine

Trigger a blast of flame.


zip-pistol and zip-rifle

Various types of different single shot zip-pistols firing 10mm, .32 and other but all having repair problems because of their make-shift construction.

Exceptions being those made by local artisans with experience, skill and equipment. Perhaps these could be classed as fine weapons.



as above but firing shotgun shells



as above but firing missiles


crossbow weapons

basic crossbow

fine crossbow



(used to have one myself) taking a bit more skill but being lighter but less powerful and with smaller bolts causing less damage.



(based on idea of real Chinese weapon used up until start of 20th Century.)

Even more skill to make and heavier to carry but with faster firing rate

Fixed box magazine of five (ten?) bolts.



versions of above firing darts instead of bolts. Less damage but darts easier to find.



type of blowgun firing darts (strictly speaking maybe wrong darts but this is a game).


Shortbow, longbow

firing arrows with varied arrowheads such as hunting, armour piercing, flaming and poisonous.

Both bows and arrows could come in basic and fine forms.

Arrowheads could vary in price and availability due to their complexity.

Of course there would need to be artisans to make fine versions such as fletchers.



powerful hand-catapult using bb-pellets melted and moulded into catapult bullets.


Side note: the DC Wastelands could also see the use of prewar hunting and sporting bows, crossbows and even catapults which could be easier preserved in many cases because of less complexity.



(others have suggested this in forums but I discussed it outside of forums with other gamers)

copies made of prewar cattleprods being of different sizes and length. E-cell powered.



fission battery powered more lethal version of cattleprod.


kamikaze robot

simply strap robot with explosives, send at enemy and then detonate or have timer. If robot is firing weapons as it moves, even deadlier. Has limited uses as, of course, robots are fairly slow moving and explosives make them more vulnerable.


adjusted fire-axe

sharpened and perhaps rebalanced fire-axe for fighting. Can not see why this was not in the original game as fire-axes are common in modern civilization.


adjusted nailgun

prewar carpentry nailgun altered to remove safety so as to fire at distance

lighter damage than bullets but able fire rapidly from fixed magazines.

explosive charge propelled or air compression (quieter)

colour coded charges

(based on real nailguns as in this world)


savage paintball-gun

paintball 'ammo' replaced by lethal projectiles of toxic radiated acidic gunk.

problem with this is it might not fit into Fallout 3 world.


Spiked baseball bat

Like combination of baseball bat and spiked knuckle-busters.


Not so good ideas that I have come up with when I have had not enough sleep, too much coffee and have been at the computer too long.


Megaton A-Bomb Grenade

Turning the Megaton A-bomb into grenade and throwing it at your enemies.

As in 'I have been trying to lift this bomb for a year now and it ain't budged'.

Mind you, the blast radius might also be problematic.


Super Mutant Club

Using one Super Mutant as a club to knock down other Super Mutants

As in 'stop wriggling damn you, I am trying to hit your buddy over there.'

No, I don't think Fawkes will go along with this one.


Falling big things weapon

Since, at least in my game, cars or robots sometimes fall out of the sky, why not have a wonder switch that makes this happen.

Accuracy might be a problem as in 'sorry about that you bunch of innocent Wastelanders'.

Or worse, 'Got you... oh no... aaaaahhh)


Making enemies sit in water until they get lethal radiation sickness

As in, 'What do you mean you are a ghoul and this doesn't hurt you? Blast, another 3 months wasted!'


Or as in

Lieutenant: 'I saw a flash of pink and then there was an explosion'

Sergeant: "Sir, that was a deadly streaker missile!'


Sorry about the bad jokes, please don't ban me! :whistling:


PS: I am going to post this to another forum view also. Hope this is not a no no as I am still new to the forums.



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Greetings to everyone and thanks to those modders and players that they make that the game amuses and entertains us so much. Excuse by my bad and poor English , but is not my primary languaje and still am learning it.


I am an inexperienced player in FO3 only (who has been playing the FO, FO2 and


FOT in the past) and I I believe that it is a need to improve it in some aspects.


There's no communications network in FO3,nor industry. People must keep the already existing items, using the remaining found (junk or another deteriorated items) for repairs and creation of new items or give new uses to the existent items.


This causes that it's very interesting the development of workbench and

schematics, the new appearance of perks related to skill REPAIR and skill


(I want here to congratulate to all those that have touched the subject, like:


b3w4r3, Antistar, Gersendai, GrahamZ, Hal2000mz, JakeZahn, Miller_Heavy,

Random_knigth777 (aka Delanath), Refsil, Skykappa, thereoncenosagirl, Displace, Wildnative, Wyverex .....


and so many others whose name I do not remember....Sorry )


What follows they are ideas only:


- The present REPAIR skill allows "weapon1 + weapon1 (or weapon2) = weapon1 (>% HP)" only, not upgrading.


- To introduce (like UNIQUE item) the so called "MASTER WRENCH" (MW) ;a wrench in FO3 is considered like junk although in FO2 (or was In FoT?) it was a melee weapon (to check possibility of returning to integrate it like so in FO3, with characteristics similar to Tire Iron, Baseball Bat or Lead Tube...( Its possible that said mods for that already exist, I do not know it).


MW works like workbench portable, that takes in the equipment and it

activates with the PipBoy(or using it by dropping, like an fixed emplacement). To create one miniquest to look for it (to put location) or by sale by some merchant or to find it in Vault101 (into Floyd Lewis toolbox or Stanley Armstrong), for



- To make work the MW is needed to have special Perk: WEAPONRY MASTER or WEAPONRY CRAFTER, even GUNSMITH(WM) (or a similar name)., that it's acquired with REPAIR>=30 (for ex-.) from the 3 level to player, with 3 levels (3, 7, 11) and that allow to construct to new weapons from items and/or schematics or to improve (upgrade) the weapons of player (for example, to increase DMG/projectile, to reduce Spread, to increase %critical damage or %critical chance, to add scope, etc).The type of weapons to upgrade depends on the level in others skills like Science or SmallGuns.


-Single improvement weapons based on KINETIC ENERGY (Melee Weapons, Smalls Guns or similar, etc). No improves weapons based on skills type Big Guns, Energy Weapons or Explosives, only repairs them (flametrhower, laser, plasma, minigun, etc).


-That perk allows in the same way to use workbench fixed that the MW, but with limitations (needs design those limitations).


-Possibility or need to use schematics.


-The generic Formula is this (for SmallGuns):


WM perk level=1


schematic + itemA + itemB + itemC = weapon1 (one hand, one shot before reload,type zipgun at FOT, or hunting rifle in Fo3)

weapon1 + itemD = weapon2 (two hands, one shot… type fusil or piperifle)


WM perk level=2 (UPGRADE)


weapon1 + itemA = weapon3 (one hand, several shots… type revolver or pistol)

weapon2 + itemB = weapon4 (two hands, repetition shots. .type assault rifle or chinese rifle)


WM perk level=3 (UPGRADE)


weapon3 + itemF = weapon3 scoped (for example, itemF = camera, for lenses)

weapon4 + itemF = weapon4 scoped

weapon3 + itemE = weapon5 (one hand, type shawed-off shotgun-several projectiles


in single shot, each projectile has its own damage amount)

weapon4 + itemE = weapon6 (two hands, type combat shotgun)


-At least one of the items used in upgrade has to be scarce or rare.




Well,practical applications in Melee Weapons:


*pool cue + knife = javelin

*pool cue + combat knife = lance

*pool cue + boneshaw = alberd

*tire iron + scrap metal or railwayspike = mace

*lead pipe + scrap metal or railwayspike = spiked or flanged mace (medieval morning star)

*spear + radscorpion gland poison = ???

*spear + surgical tubing = hawaian sling (trhowable spear...= SmallGun)


(Links about those)



http://underwaterflorid.homestead.com/polespears.html ......(view classic wood shooter)


It's possible that already exist mods for those, I ignore it.





Introducing the use of the old CROSSBOWS in SmallGuns.:


Those are weapons (bow and crossbows ) that use elastic energy they are more


easy to construct that the firearms ;also there exist repeating crossbows


(Chinese ChuKoNu and Greek Polybolos)





http://www.johnbrunnerbooks.com....(the OSScrossbow)





---- the ingame Dartgun is very UGLY.---


Applying to the WM perk (for example):


** WM=1


*schematic + 1 paintgun + 1 surgicaltubing + 2 forks (or spatulas) + 2

pencils = pistolcrossbow1 (1 hand, singleshot,ammo 1 ,ammo pencils or forks or railwayspikes -your election,modders-)


*pistolcrossbow1 + 1 crunch or 1 rake + 1 surgical tubing + 1 motorcycle handbrake = crossbow1 (2 hands, 1 shot, ammo railwayspikes, more range, more DMG)



** WM=2


*pistolcrossbow1 + 1 scrap metal + 2 tincan + 1 surgical tubing =

pistolChuKoNu (1 hand, SINGLESHOT, 5 AMMO, etc).


*crossbow1 + 2 scrap metal + 2 tincan + 1 surgical tubbing + 1 Lawnmower Blade =ChuKoNu (2 hands,5 burst shots, 5 ammo,etc)



** WM=3


*pistolChuKoNu + 1 camera = scoped pChKN (more range,less spread,etc)


*ChuKoNu + 1 camera = scoped ChKN (for sniper, more range, less spread,etc)


*pistolChuKoNu + 1 Metal Cooking Pan or 1 Metal Cooking Pot + 1 scrap

metal=pChKN shot gun (1 hand,5 simultaneous projectiles,-type shawed-off shotgun-etc)


*ChuKoNu + 1 Metal Cooking Pan or 1 Metal Cooking Pot + 2 scrap metal= combatChKN (2 hands,5 simultaneous projectiles,-type combat shotgun-etc).




Jonas has schematic or Stanley Armstrong or Floyd Lewis, also one of them can have 1 pistolcrossbow1....


This ideas can be totally modified, as like in the form in the used materials or the way of use.


This post is the most long and extensive that I have never written (I request


pardon for that reason).

I hope that does not bother you. :thanks:



PS: VERY IMPORTANT ----> the crossbow is a silent weapon !!!!


2PS:I have a rar file with crossbow images(jpg,bmp,gif,etc)-8'38 mb-. You need for ideas?

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I would really like it if my ideas could be considered..

ATOM Corp. Faction Request


CoH Arachnos Faction Request..

Also, I'd like it if Plasmids could be implemented.. Like maybe make it a controlled FEV virus strain that causes the desired mutations.


Also, I have an Oblivion request for an Order Crystal spell: Clicky click..

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What I would like to see is...


The option to cause the player to complete a check list of the side quests before you do the final ending quest 'in his footsteps" or just make it so you do all the side quests first then the final one of finding good old dad.


Making it so that the story does not end. You get to live on and do other quests. I completed ending quest right off the bat and was so disappointed.



A much better character changing system, The original sucks! Mods are fantastic though.


Putting everybody's mods into the system and not a thousand different mods. Or a mod selecting program. Say for example you download about 50 mods you would like to implement. The program would have a selection check box for each mod. The program would install all the files needed for the mods and create just one data file that needs to be selected when you start the game.


Making it so that any companion offered in the game can be bought or talked into joining you.


For example if your a good player and want to get Clover, you change her dialog to ask you for help in getting the heck out of slavery. Kill the slavers or buy her. Make it so there are several ways to work this out.


I really like this game and appreciate the development team and all you folks who make mods. I am an old fart (52) and have gotten back into gaming again. (thank my son for that).


Thanks again folks.


I have a lot of ideas for quests and story lines but not a Modder (sad).

If there is somebody who can make simple mods for me? I am even willing to pay, just PM me.



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i've recently pretty much beat the whole game (as far as i know :thumbsup: ) and believe it or not, i was completely not bored with game (yet)


so i attempted to make something w/ the GECK and horribly failed, and then i went on nexus, and o horror, all the quest mods sucked :wallbash: - maybe not all of them, but a lot -


so originaly i was here to ask for more quests but halfway through i had this brilliant idea ?smiley with a lightbulb? (im a slow typer)


im sure theres gonna be tons of like quest mods, but u no how in game 3 dawg's always talking about your quests? well wat if a couple guys got together with like the sound equipement and started like a modders radio? like a radio with like news of all the stages of the best quests, and they could even have adverts for quests (u no like" there have been scattered reports...." except then u have to downld it) and talking of radio, u could have those talkshows thingys i saw on planet fallout or watever. and music! like spanish? jmp in the line any1? and like u could do all kinds of cool stuff like updating it every week or something. and it would be like a critic, since it would be only for the best quest/faction mods? right?


In wrighting this post, i did not once check for any sign of a previus request like this ( :wallbash: 19 PAGES :wallbash: ). If it has been posted before, feel free to vent out your feelings on me, flame me, or whack me with a big wooden overpowered baseball bat. :thanks:

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vehical please! I think we should have vehicals because i amtired of walking everywhere. Dont get me wrong, I liked exploring...the first two times, but after discovering everything it might be fun to use vehicals, like say, one outside tenpenny tower? like atvs, motorcycles, and old cadillacs in garages.
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Nomads would be a nice edition to the game, traveling from one side to the other, recruiting the you to help protect them while they travel the wasteland. Bringing in unique equitment and maybe settleing somewhere.


That would be nice. :smile:

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Hotkeys to ...

quicktoss grenades and quickdrop bombs equipped on numbers 7 and 8. press g or b

world map = m, local map = n(nearby)

inventory = i, useable aids = u, your gear = y

quest log = l, physical condition = p, radio on/off = o


Someone or Bethesda, PLEASE make these hotkeys!!!

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