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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Quicker exploding mines



Better plasma pistol model from fallout 1/2



Tesla armor variant for Fawkes



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Wattz 1000 civilian laser pistol from fo1/2 replacement





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Molerat Wondermeat machine for your house



Raider Children, Ghouled Children, etc.


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Sorry for my english (i am russian).


Add new Perk: Heavy Blow - give you chance knock out enemy on a few seconds (work with/without any weapon). Chance = You LUCK. Damage done determine how long enemy being unconscious: 1-20% health loss - 1 sec,21-40% - 2 sec,41-60% - 3 sec,61-80% - 4 sec,81-99% - 5 sec (count from full health).


I repeat my earlier post about alternate repair with more detail.

Items can by disassemble for Spares. Add new item - "Super ToolKit". When "Super ToolKit" in you inventiry it allow you disassemble weapon and armor. Alternate you can use Workbench.

This looks like: item with X% condition give repair_skill/100*(X+100)/2 Spares Units (SU). One SU has weight 1/200 from item weight.

Spares: Clothes, Spares: Simple Armor, Spares: Combat Armor, Spares: Power Armor, Spares: HtH, Spares: Knife, Spares: Sledge, Spares: Pistol, Spares: Rifle (rifles, shotguns & assault rifles), Spares: Big Guns, Spares: Energy Pistol, Spares: Energy Rifle. Some weapon need 2 sort of Spares: Gatling Laser - Spares: Big Guns+Spares: Energy Rifle, Ripper - Spares: Knife+Spares: Energy Pistol. This is in general outline.

Player can use Spares for repair similar weapon or armor (up to his Repair Skill). But different weapon and armor has different multiplier (M). For example:

With "Spares: Small Guns" can repair Chinese Pistol (x1M), .32 Pistol (x1M), 10mm Pistol (x1.25M), Scoped .44 Magnum (x2M) & etc.

"Spares: Power Armor" - Power Armor (x1M), Brotherhood Power Armor (x1.5M), Enclave Power Armor(x2M), T-51b Power Armor (x4M) & etc.

So if you have Brotherhood Power Armor with 80% condition, you need 20*1.5=30 "Spares: Power Armor" Units for repair it to 100%.

It may be possible disassemble Scrap Metal: 1 for 1 "Spares: Small Guns" & 4 for 1 "Spares: Power Armor" (or so?).

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New member, first post.

What I would most like to see is really a revamp (or rather return) to the way damage is calculated depending on armor stats. I believe currently it's something like:

recieved damage=inflicted damage*(1-DR)*(1-damage type specific DR)

two examples:

inlflicted damage=50 fire, DR=50%, FR=25% => recieved damage=50*(1-0.5)*(1-0.25)=18.75

inlflicted damage=25 fire, DR=50%, FR=25% => recieved damage=25*(1-0.5)*(1-0.25)=9.375


My suggestion for a new formula would be to reintroduce a damage reduction (called soak in some games i believe) stat for all armor as such:

damage recieved=(damage inflicted - damage reduction (- damage type specific reduction possibly))*(1-DR)*(1-damage type specific DR)

earlier examples, with damage reduction=10:

recieved damage=(50-10)*(1-0.5)*(1-0.25)=15

recieved damage=(25-10)*(1-0.5)*(1-0.25)=5.625


This would change early game armor to not totally suck against early game opponents (10 DR may force an opponent to hit you 10 times, where they before only needed to hit you 9 times.... woho), while still making early game armor too weak when facing late game opponents (high inflicted damage => a low damage reduction will decrease the recieved damage only very slightly).


I think this change would make sense both from a balancing point of view (as it would make big mean opponents harder in the early portions of the game), an added complexity point of view (as it would return choosing armor to a threedimensional problem, instead of just "high DR good, high weight bad" and also make a difference between being hit several times with a low damage weapon and being hit once with a high damage weapon) and a realism point of view (don't you just feel ridiculous having your power armor chewn through by a radrouch?).


The stats for different armor could be aquired from earlier fallout titles, where this was implemented to great effect (remember fighting rats while wearing power armor? ^_^... those were the days).


I have no idea wether this can be done or not (as I am but a lowly player and not a modder), but I seriously hope so for the sake of the game, and if the idea has been posted before I make my apologies to that previous poster (could not find it upon glancing through the topics).

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Didn't find this when I searched the thread, so... I'd like shout and hand signal options. Basically, so that instead of magically knowing whether someone is hostile or not, be able to shout at them from a distance, and be able to threaten / negotiate before getting too close. Hand signals would work the same way, but wouldn't alert prying ears. I'd also like the ability to renegotiate with them after changing their mind by nearly killing them...


I'm also interested in helping with a vehicle mod, if anyone figures out how to implement them. I've done some modeling and skinning in the past, like this for a bf42 mod: http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr220/gitoffame/cmv1_HRS21.png

I'm not a coder, and I would need to get an idea of suitable triangle counts / texture sizes etc. But I figure it would be a fun way to add some meat to my portfolio.


Oh, and hello.

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Well my guess is that the big problem wth cars and vehicles is their bump mapping or tracking or whatchamacallit that sticks em to the ground properly and makes 'em bump off things or get stuck between rocks. The greatly increased speeds may cause problems as well. I think there should be a thread about vehicles somewhere on this forum.


So to avoid problems i'd suggest making something no bigger than say a brahmin. Personally I'd love to see an old (shortly after WW2 kinda) bike with a little side-kart/side-span on it (what do you call that?) for storing items or taking another passenger. Geting companions to get in properly may be hard tho ;).

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For "hand signals" you'd simply have a script to check the npc closest to the player and closest to the center of their screen, and do the action related to the keymap to that npc to activate a script to do something else.. etc


Model poly wouldn't really make much of an effect unless the fo3 engine does vertex/pixel based collision (something I haven't seen since voxels and operation eagle)




First off, doesn't seem like too many polys unless you fail at modeling. (ie make the bumpers out of 64sided+smoothbeveled cylinders or something silly like that instead of putting the shading to the engine lighting)


second off, knowing Bethesda the brahmen model is probably about the same as a supermutant or so..


Thirdly, really you'd need something your char could sit on that was scripted to move via player keymap input, you'd have to script the movement to accelerate/decelerate/collide with objects, and somehow tilt the origin axis along the x/y/z based on a combination of a triad trace and an average/decreasing rate of change based on the gravity constant, perhaps even a quad or pentagonal trace from the bbox's center/x/ymin/max.. or if you were silly you'd do spherical collision and rotation.


.. or just take advantage of the H4v0k engine.


anyways back to linking


as shown above,

Functional cars






Living wastelands 3, the lord of the wastland (one wastland to rule them all?)



Godzilla-sized monsters



Better contextual music system



Kill the leveled list.. and coincidentally your level 1 char with a deathclaw instead of a radroach!



Decorate your home (the proper way)



Shadow Moses in fO3 (This island, codenamed Shadow Moses, is the site of a nuclear weapons disposal facility.)


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Yeah, for the hand signals, basically I was thinking you could use it to wave at an NPC and see if they wave back, or just start shooting, etc. Could also be useful with friendlies when you didn't want to alert nearby enemies too, though. Say, if you and your bud were waiting on opposite sides of a road to ambush someone coming by, you could have a signal to open fire, etc. It should probably only work if they were looking in your direction, though. If they weren't facing you, you could shout, with different dialog options like "Drop it or die", etc., but if they had buddies nearby, they'd hear you.


I'd also like to be able to throw items as a diversion.

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