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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Something i have already requested but posting something here with A Large Mad Max Overhal twist an MFP Guild Including Max and Goose and people and vehicles of the Movie, companions along with A Thunder Dome quest. it could be called road fury along with the 4th movie that never came out because Mel wouldn't do the film. it would include armors weapons gangs of the movie, fuel hunts and battles where you have to fight for fuel to keep driving like having a fuel canister to refill. All bringing to life all three movies with quests companions and new plots that would make it the 4th addition. I will ad some ah inspiring pics ha ha......







Seeing as how Fallout was loosely based on the films, you could even get some of the gear in FO2. It seems to only make sense With A Max Inspired Mod.

I mean the waist land is already base enough to see such a mod coming it would enhance the game that much more Not to mention the mad max is awesome.

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A mod that lets you continue on from the end of it like Oblivion does :(. When I first completed Fallout 3 it just ended with the credits and all and you have to start a new game over to play it :(. Someone has to make a mod to fix that :'(
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A mod that lets you continue on from the end of it like Oblivion does :(. When I first completed Fallout 3 it just ended with the credits and all and you have to start a new game over to play it :(. Someone has to make a mod to fix that :'(



There have already been a few massive mods that do so that have been released on nexus..


ALSO Beth plans to release DLCS that do this as well.

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Ok I would like to see some new armor for once, something like the Halo armour or the nanosuit from Crysis they are availible for Oblivion but i think they would fit a little better here. Also i would like to see some new weapons especially small gun types like assault rifles shotguns and stuff like these. And i saw some topic about a working car. that would be very nice. but i was thinking about something like desert buggy`s and atv`s. i think these would fit nicely to the wasteland. I don`t know how much this is doable but if someone reads this and thinks he can pull it off, please try it.
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There have already been a few massive mods that do so that have been released on nexus..


ALSO Beth plans to release DLCS that do this as well.


Really??! COOL! Guess thats why people arnt complaining much about that problem, cause they know. Lol I must've been the only one who didn't know :P cool. Thing is....I started a new game over again :(. Aww well, I liked doing the main quest anyway :).

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Melee defensive attack with your currently equipped ranged weapon, possibly with a chance of enemy knock-down.


Multiple equippable weapons for PC aesthetic purposes (IE: being able to equip a pistol, a knife, and an assault rifle at the same time in order to have the weapons appear on the player model at all times).


A way to command all vanilla companions simultaneously and quickly (IE: tell all followers to wait, follow, guard, or attack with a single command).


The ability for a medical expert to enact "medical miracles" on the field by operating on and reviving recently killed NPCs (kind of like Timebomb in Big Town).


Defensive feats of agility, such as doge-rolling and/or quick side-hopping, darting, and sprinting (uses Action Points, maybe?).


And lastly, everybody questions your sanity when you stroll around DC naked. :P

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I personally think Fallout 3 is absolutely SCREAMING for a Terminator mod!

The whole atmosphere of F3 the way its all post apocalyptic and its all wasteland after a nuclear war and all, thats extremely similar to the Terminator films, when its based in the future!


Basically it would be cool if there was this:


-A playable Infiltrator Race (The Flesh covered Terminators which Arnold Schwarzenegger played as in the movies. They are known as Infiltrator Terminators. T-101 etc.)


-A playable normal Cyborg Terminator race maybe if it can be done :P. (Not really important though in my opinion it would maybe be best as a new Enemy)


-The futuristic Terminator Weapons such as the Plasma Rifle and stuff, theres not much I think.


- The Cyborg Exoskeleton Terminators of the future as a new enemy. Imagine seeing them emerge in the wasteland with plasma rifles firing at you :P, and with their red eyes glowing and stuff, now THAT would be awesome! :D


-MAYBE even the Terminator HK's/Hunter Killers which are them Planes that hover around the battlefields, and the Tank like Machines and stuff. Making it really as if you were playing an actual Terminator RPG :D


I personally think that would be a totally awesome mod as Fallout 3 is really Similar to Terminator.

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I personally think Fallout 3 is absolutely SCREAMING for a Terminator mod!

The whole atmosphere of F3 the way its all post apocalyptic and its all wasteland after a nuclear war and all, thats extremely similar to the Terminator films, when its based in the future!



Funny you should say that. A few days ago i pitched a mod idea/request loosely based on terminator(Here if you are interested.) So i definitely agree. First thing i thought of when i saw the power armors in the Advertisements was " good god this game could have an AWESOME terminator mod made for it". So yeah, i'd like to see a terminator mod also.

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Funny you should say that. A few days ago i pitched a mod idea/request loosely based on terminator(Here if you are interested.) So i definitely agree. First thing i thought of when i saw the power armors in the Advertisements was " good god this game could have an AWESOME terminator mod made for it". So yeah, i'd like to see a terminator mod also.


Yup I agree with ya mate :). I always thought this but when the end of the MAIN QUEST came with the huge War and all with the Liberty Prime robot! I was like "OMG!! DEFINATLY TERMINATOR MOD NOW!"


Because of all the lasers from the rifles firing back and fourth and coincidentally it was nighttime when i done that part and it literally a Terminator war only with Human Soldiers against eachother :O.


Its incredible how similar Fallout 3 is to Terminator, so like --Why the heck not make a Terminator mod??-- Ya know?? :)

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