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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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I've been wondering for ages, why Riley's Rangers or Raiders can place traps, but not you.

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  • 1 month later...

I would really like to see some sort of technical improvement to FOSE. The ability to read and write files would be pretty powerful, I'm not sure what kind of Direct-X functionality FOSE has (actually, I'd like to find the FOSE documentation), but Anything that we can get that digs deeper into the game would make fallout much more interesting.


Oh, and I want more things to repair, heal, and disarm throughout the wasteland.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i orginally made new post then saw this post thought to include here


body Replacer Radomizer?!?!, All the great body mods assigned to characters at random and then kept


TO THE BODY REPLACER GODS, thank you all for some awesome work


what i am wondering is their a way to assign then to be randomized thru out FO3 using all the type 3, type 5, Babe, Mako, and other into making all the NPCs have different bodies and a simple clothing fix could have the character say "thanks but that won't fit me"


something using the pipboy so the player can assign body replacers to themselves and groups of individuals or npc types raiders can have less fat, travelers can look more ragged mercs and talons looking stronger


just wondering if all you BOD-GODs could pool together to make something like this work it would change the perspective of all the npc in the game


well thanks for listening i hope its possible



For players that use Wasteland Player or Gigilo

- NPC get pregnant might send regulators after them to pay for supplies

- or the pc get pregnant and has to settledown lololol o_O


Town Construction company

-with rts you do the work and with traveler add-on you can always invite them to settle a town you having built buy a NPC Company

- even add quest to locate more crew and tools



-clothes need washing, medical supplies are in short, educational material for future gens and of course FOOD, so towns folk have their mayor, leader or head merchant create repetable quests for player to retrieve these items


Shop adds to Big town, arefu



- what sells in one settlement might not sell in another, for characters who like to trade for money between towns

-Arefu have cattle and rivet city needs milk


Gaurdians of Little Lamplight

-the player isnt the only hero of the wastes or is he someone might have a heart just to help those kids and has set up shop right outside to help defend agains slavers, raiders and muties



-does three dog only talk about our hero/villian or have others from lost vaults come forth to challenge his fame and fortune for themselves

-- Aerfu rescued by a gallant gentleman (our player is a woman), and big town enslaved completey by a sinister girl (but our herorine has never been there yet)

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thought of that tring to make a large mod of a vault that still uses pre-war money buy not sure how to do that yet so for now im writing everything down and designing it all prior to posting so i can get some help on it (i am new to geck modding)
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