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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Just make a new radio channel, someone who talks like the sweedish cook from the muppets and tells ppl recipies all day, then some classical music and other stuff..



Also survival stuff bamp yet again.



Why: because one might need to survive in a wasteland.

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I already posted a thread on this idea, but I figure you could add it to your master list too!


Here it be:




We're starting to see a few nice new guns coming out, which is just fantastic! We're expanding our armories, and making the Capitol Wasteland a more diverse (and dangerous) place! I'm digging it, really. Now that you guys have finally figured out how to add new models and weapons into the game, I have to seriously request something seriously cool. And seriously possible, too. Can't forget that.


Point is, we're forced to be entirely too gun-reliant in Fallout 3 due to the very limited arsenal of melee weaponry in the game. It's all bland, uninteresting, and without any variety! This is a post-apocalyptic wasteland with unlimited scrap and crap to salvage and fiddle with! Can we please see some more improvised melee weaponry?


For example, the Shishkebab. Kind of a cool weapon, but way fancier than what I want! It's a high-tech flaming sword! Screw the fire, I don't want the fire! I want what's underneath it! A lawnmower blade welded onto a motorcycle handgrip? Brutal! These are the kinds of weapons I want to see more of! Absolutely brutal looking weapons crafted together from everyday objects! The best thing about these is how simple you can be with them! A lead pipe with a butcher knife welded onto the end horizontally, making a dagger-pick type of weapon! A baseball bat with a lawnmower blade wedged into it! A fire axe! How is there no fire axe?! More! We need more!

These weapons are all so simple when compared to all the little details that need to go into making models of firearms, so why haven't you cats at least put a couple out, eh? Luckily we already have animations for almost every type of blunt weapon.


Heavy two-handed weapons

Small one-handed weapons

Sword-like weapons

One-handed midsized blunt weapons


It's all there! So please, I say PLEASE, somebody get crackin' on these! It's so easy to ignore the posts in the request forum, I know! But these types of weaponry would vastly increase the gaming experience, the immersion factor, and the baddasseriness of the Fallout 3 universe.


To help lubricate the gears of modding, here's a list of possible starting weapons. I'm trying to keep all of these ideas focused around weapons with similar animations.



Mom's Homemade Weapon List


Dagger Pick

Dagger fist is a one-handed bladed weapon constructed simply out of a butcher knife welded horizontally onto the end a lead pipe. It's a simple, yet brutally effective weapon. Possible animation base: Tire Iron




Constructed from a lawnmower blade welded to a motorcycle handguard, or some other similar item, the Chopper is a violent, intimidating bladed weapon. Possible animation base: Chinese Officer's Sword / Shishkebab


Broken Branch Cutter

A simple, effective, and readily available weapon is the Broken Broken Branch, which is exactly what it sounds like. The bolt seperating the two axe-like (or sword-like, if you choose to go with a hedge trimmer) halves of the branch cutter is broken or removed, leaving a sharp and sturdy tip that's sure to cause some damage.

EXAMPLE PICTURE HERE, Just imagine that thing without the bottom half! Beastly! :D

Possible animation base: Chinese Officer's Sword / Lead Pipe / Etc



An "unarmed" weapon designed to stab the enemy with every punch, the dagger fist is simply two knives welded side-by side onto an arm brace, with a metal knuckle guard (brass knuckles) to protect the hand. The knives are placed Under the wrist, turning each punch into a lethal stabbing blow. Should not cause clipping problems with any punching animation if blades are placed under the wrist.



Contemporary "Classics" Weaponry


Fire Axe or Wood Axe

Seriously? How could this not have been included from the start?!

Possible animation base: Sledgehammer



Everybody needs one!

Possible animation base: Chinese Officer's Sword / Shishkebab



Broken Table Leg

Weapon of choice for drunken brawlers? Maybe. Either way, I want one.

Possible animation base: Lead Pipe



Yep. A little one-handed hammer. Typically used for nails, currently used for skulls.

Possible animation base: Tire Iron




There's a couple ideas to get you folks started! Please, pass this on to your buddies, get some support for this going! I can't be the only one out there who's just praying for a few more melee weapons! I'm chock-full of fancy home-made weapon ideas, having been planning for the inevitable zompocalypse these past few years. Don't judge me.

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Brahmin skull mace,

electrified deathclaw knuckles,

steam-powered spinny lawnmower blade sword-chucks



Eh, I was thinking more along the lines of simple, practical, improvised weaponry made out of everyday goods. Electrified deathclaw gauntlets and steam-powered lawnmower sword-chucks hardly fit the bill (Or animations!). :P

I'd personally rather see more conventional weaponry such as the ones I listed above. You know, simple stuff made primarily from welding or bolting different parts together.

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A few Minor-ish mods:

Some animation tweaks:

1. Female running look like the girl broke her spine somewhere. and as a result also had hunched up shoulders

2. Jump animation needs some tlc, the end of it looks like char jumps through a hoop.

3. single weapon stance looks like something out of a Humphrey Bogart movie, maybe something a little more modern ish than the semi concealed hand gun in the hostage's back routine, perhaps both hands on the gun?


Character Creation:

1. Numbered Sliders!!!

2. Bigger Screen

3. Better Lighting


Not so much additions as improvements but hey....

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Ability to reprogram turrets and other similar things to be friendly to you and your allies instead of just clearing the targeting info..


Maybe to balance it, make clicking the "change targetting data" entry require higher science skill and put up another password cracking minigame which failure might corrupt the control system...


why: Just doesn't seem like you're really good at hacking computers if you just delete junk


Also to restate one my my earlier posts


Make that deathclaw that you release in the enclave base, a potential companion like dogmeat!

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thats the hope.. delete junk posts and compile this into a sticky!


modders don't seem to be biting however.


A couple of these mods have actually been recently made, which shows people are reading this thread!

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People in the wastes would use anything and everything to survive, that is why I like Zwig's post on premade homemade weapons to find. Maybe it should be taken one step further by having more and worse looking clothing in a broader variation. Some people look a bit to clean cut for the life style they have been born into.


Maybe raiders could have a more diverse set of clothing that could somehow be randomized.


Or somehow you FIND scraps of clothing and can get your bot or even you to put them together. Pre-war suit with different arms or patches to add where you got shot.


If this is 200 years after the bombs have fallen most clothing will have more tatters and patches from being used.


I dunno if this is possible, but it would be nice to see.

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I'd definitely like to see some more clothing in the future, Bonno! My biggest concern right now is getting some more weaponry in the game, but more clothing comes in close second. I wish they'd have kept the Oblivion method for clothing, what with being able to mix and match pants and shirts, but that's prolly not possible to bring back. Either way, I want some more clothes soon.




Also, I made some concept art of two possible weapons we could see. Pretty simple stuff. You gotta love photoshop! :D









Also, big news! The robot idea appears to have been taken up! It's not everything we discussed, but it's a hell of a good start! Check out RobCo Certified! Allows you to rebuild and recruit destroyed robots! Fantastic!

There's still a lot to be done, but this is a damn good start.

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