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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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Most of them aren't mine :D


Just linking to them..


And R Lee Herme was the fellow that did that Drill sergeant in the movie Full Metal Jacket, and is considered the perfect drill sergeant at least in terms of his voice and what he says.





Washing machine






Take control of/Own Tenpenny tower






Rift-tech in fallout


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A town similar to New Reno from Fallout 2. More organized crime, prostitution, gambling, and depravity! Ooo... and a boxing ring.


Maybe targeted VATS shots from melee as well. I find it ridiculous that you can't aim a punch... renders unarmed combat sort of silly.


A better real-time recoil/automatic fire model tied to skill level would be nice too.


.223 Pistol needs to make a comeback.


Revamp of the repair system (it's sort of moronic)... and... weapon modification. It'd be nice to be able to attach scopes to things.

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I've been playing a little more and have a couple more "have the game make sense" mods.


First, I'd like a Power Armor Training Mod that let's me go to the Outcast or Enclave to get Power Armor Training if I don't want to be a good guy. An evil or neutral player might go to the Enclave or Outcasts to get training to wear it if they are pursuing an evil or more neutral plot line, instead of the more random and contrived main story line.


Second, I'd like a Pseudo Ghoul Mod so that people act like I'm a ghoul when wearing the ghoul mask. I was astounded when I put on the ghoul mask and had all the feral ghouls ignore me, but nobody at all had the slightest comment to the fact that I looked like something Dogmeat coughed up! It really killed the realism for me since ghouls are supposedly treated like garbage, and here I am getting hit on.

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From what I've read from another thread, if the code for jewelry is still in the game, then a Jewelry Mod with jewelry that either looks good, serves a purpose (wearable sensor array?) or both.


A Weapon Mode Mod to change between weapon modes; throw, thrust, slash or single shot, three round burst, full auto, etc. just like the original Fallout/Fallout 2.


It has also been suggested that we have a Homosexual Relationships Mod.


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My post about repair (alternate version) http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry653253


If you choose certain body part in VATS mode, this add one-first shot (great cost in AP). All next click on the same body part add extra shots (but much less cost in AP). Like: 10mm SMG - first shot cost 20 AP, all next cost 2 AP, so if you decide fire all 30 bullets, you need 20+29*2=78 AP. And you do all shots without pause. The same for minigun. (in F2 game player can choose between oneshot & burst mode for machine-gun)


Add Buggy with minigan on top, so player and companion may ride & fire. If buggy falling into the den you can drag out it only with companion help. It can be repaired when damaged.

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Certainly we need a seamless freeplay after MQ mod, which I think has been done,

1.but we still need a MUCH better ReSpawn mod:

All kinds of enemies and creatures, with badder ones more likely as we go up in level, but all are possible at any time.

2. As new creatures are added, they automatically go onto the ReSpawn list.

3. Containers also ReFill, according to some sort of type-specific randomizer. i.e. Meds in first aid kits, ammo in ammo boxes, etc. And Lockis are randomly assigned. This makes

areas worth re-exploring.

4. All of the above apply to indoor as well as outdoor locations.

5. Robots become a faction, inimical to all life. Not all robots are part of this faction, though, and a high hacking (science) skill allows the player a chance of reprogramming a killer

bot to a servant or guard.

6. Because of the game design, not all walls could be destructable, but locked doors and some walls could be.

7. No Karma hit for robbing or pickpocketing "evil" characters. or for looting the abodes of those who have gone on to that great vault in the sky.

8. Reasons to explore under water.

9. Faster running, higher jumping. the console commands are imperfect and a pain to keep re-doing. May depend on power armor. May boot-rockets that can't fly, but can extend


10. Designs from S.F.3D/Ma.K. ZbV3000/maschinen krieger, or Shirow.

11. A group of sliders that let us titrate frequency, level, and number preferences which influence the randomized ReSpawns.

thanks for reading

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My post about repair (alternate version) http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry653253


If you choose certain body part in VATS mode, this add one-first shot (great cost in AP). All next click on the same body part add extra shots (but much less cost in AP). Like: 10mm SMG - first shot cost 20 AP, all next cost 2 AP, so if you decide fire all 30 bullets, you need 20+29*2=78 AP. And you do all shots without pause. The same for minigun. (in F2 game player can choose between oneshot & burst mode for machine-gun)


Add Buggy with minigan on top, so player and companion may ride & fire. If buggy falling into the den you can drag out it only with companion help. It can be repaired when damaged.


Would be neat imo as well if there were hotkeys to select specific parts on your vat target.. could be hacked to work for melee as well :D


and psy lots of those mods have been done already, but some of them sound pretty good!





Supermutantage perk



Open vault 101 mod



Lock busting and combo-hits ala line-em-up


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