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The Original Lone Wanderer


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Would someone be so kind as to create the poncho worn by Clint Eastwood's The Man With No Name?


As in here: http://blog.caffeinatedsoftware.com/images/blog_caffeinatedsoftware_com/man_with_no_name.jpg


What would be cool would be to have the model large enough to cover up where the sidearm is normally "holstered". Even better would have the poncho swung back over the shoulder before the gun is drawn.


I'm not an expert on such matters, but if the poncho could be made to fit into the slot used by the

Mythical Tesla Armor 3rd Piece Backpack Thing

, then one could still wear appropriate garb underneath.


A hat would be good also, but the Shady Hat or Sheriff's Hat work well enough.


What else would be awesome would be plugging in that haunting song into the game somehow. I've even got the song, so if someone were just to tell me how it was done...



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