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Fallout 3 HUD/UI bug pls help!


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Hi there guys i have recently finished modding my fallout 3 i have had not a single problem performance and crash wise but the one thing wrong is that the information that comes up at the top left of the screen that tells you if you have lost karma or if an NPC gives you an item is half off the screen so i can only ever read half the text. i have darnui installed along with FWE and also have all updates and hotfixes installed i have also tried uninstalling all mods that effect it and reinstalling them with no luck i was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and if so were they able to fix it and how thank you

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Did you edit the fallout3.ini as instructed on the DarNUI mod page?


Did you remove the identical fonts in the fallout3.ini.


Not the fallout3.ini that is located in the game folder, but the one in My Documents/My Games/Fallout3.


Toggle Archive Invalidation in your mod manager?


Did you re-start the computer after you made the edits?


Please see "How to ask for help" https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/How_to_ask_for_help

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