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Equipped weapon showing +10 in menu


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Hey everyone!


I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my inventory menu. When I hover over my currently equipped weapon, it shows 24 (+10) and I have to unequip and re-equip for it to go away but it show starts doing it again later. I've attached a photo to show you what I mean. I thought it was a mod complication but I've disabled every mod in my active plugins on NMM and it still happens but I've listed them anyway.


I'm currently using SKSE.


Any ideas?

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there are quite some theories about this

1. it displays the difference from the weapon you currently have equipped and the weapon you are highlighting/looking at. however, it doesn't seem to always show reliable numbers, so i'm not sure if it calculates perk boni etc.

2. it displays your current bonus damage/armor points granted by perks.


has anyone truly confirmed what these numbers indicate?

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