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A modeling question


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Man, I have laughed so hard that I have tears in my eyes. I added the new teeth and the gums are sticking out of the guys neck. I think that's enough for tonight. I'll get a fresh start in the morning or whenever I wake up. I didn't really expect my very first try to work but DANG! lol
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Glad you figured it out, but rule of thumb, while you're working with blender, your projects will be saved with the extension ".blend" as they are blender projects. They are not nifs, even if you stick "nif" somewhere in the naming convention, they are still "*.blend" until you export them as a ".nif".


I'm sure from here on out you'll have smooth sailing on your teeth, it seems you only have to adjust the size? I'm guessing you mapped the new teeth to the upperteeth slot in the CS race menu? There are some custom mouth options that might be helpful, out there, with the lower teeth and tongue mapped to one slot, check out the "working eyelashes" mod which contains resources and ideas about this.

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  myrmaad said:
Glad you figured it out, but rule of thumb, while you're working with blender, your projects will be saved with the extension ".blend" as they are blender projects. They are not nifs, even if you stick "nif" somewhere in the naming convention, they are still "*.blend" until you export them as a ".nif".


I'm sure from here on out you'll have smooth sailing on your teeth, it seems you only have to adjust the size? I'm guessing you mapped the new teeth to the upperteeth slot in the CS race menu? There are some custom mouth options that might be helpful, out there, with the lower teeth and tongue mapped to one slot, check out the "working eyelashes" mod which contains resources and ideas about this.



Yeah I am learning but there is a huge learning curve for me.


@ armageddon

I'm in North Carolina and it's morning here also but I am up mostly during the night. I sleep odd hours.

Thanks to everyone for the advice, I'm sure that is not the last I will need.

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  exanimis said:
Man, I have laughed so hard that I have tears in my eyes. I added the new teeth and the gums are sticking out of the guys neck. I think that's enough for tonight. I'll get a fresh start in the morning or whenever I wake up. I didn't really expect my very first try to work but DANG! lol


Well, they're in some way visible and the game didn't crash - that's better than my first new meshes were back when I started. :D Perhaps a pic so I can see if it's a translation issue or something else? Did you move the teeth up or down when working on them?


When exporting and pressing ctrl+a you do want to choose the first item on that list, by the way.


And the other person that asked - yes, this would also work for lengthening Orc tusks or whatever.

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Here is a screenshot of the teeth in the CS




Everything in the CS is an experiment with me. This was my first attempt. You can't tell from this shot but the teeth don't exactly line up, I just wanted to do the tutorial two or three times before trying it in the CS. When I added them to the sabertooth man race they stuck out of his neck lol. I'm sure I moved them somehow and I will do the tutorial that you posted a few more times and see what happens. If they still don't fit in the mouth where they should I'll be back with more questions. Oh, if they do match up then I'll be back with more questions too but that's not a threat. :biggrin:

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