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What're your favorite places to steal from?


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So... tell me what they are. I'm playing a thief-mage character, but with the thief guild requirements mod I have to get my sneak skill up to level 25. Obviously part of that is general dungeon delving, but I'm having a lot of fun breaking into places.

Without getting into quest-specific areas - ie not the museums - what places can l rob blind? Farm houses are ok for ingredients, but. :>

I've already done dragonsreach - not much there - and part of the blue palace, and some random houses etc.

Where else?

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Hmm I hadn't thought of that. Oops. i've nver really seen any threads moved, but l wonder if maybe you're right. lol.

Yeah, the Hq's are good for requiring stealth instead of combat. That's really what i'm looking for i think - places that require thought instead of rushing in, & maybe interesting things TO steal. heh.

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Nothing in the Thalmor headquarters is marked as 'stolen' for me, and I can even sleep there. Not sure if it's a mod or what.


I have fun breaking into prisons, picking all the locks, and finding the escape routes... But when I'm in a thiefy mood, I generally hit all the nice houses in Windhelm. They had a lot of nice stuff when I had Morrowloot installed. Sometimes I break into homes just to have a look around. There usually isn't much, unless they have quests to go with them. One interesting one though.. the blacksmith's house in Windhelm only has 1 single bed. I wonder where his apprentice sleeps?

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Nah they're unowned for some reason. NPCS dont' even go there as far as I've been able to tell.

As for the windhelm blacksmith, l'm pretty sure they're married, or at least in a relationship. I *think* lv'e broken in there on other chars and seen them sleeping. Lol. I tried morrowloot, but didn't really like how it was handled. Kinda weird like that... :>

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When I used Morrowloot, My first stop was always Windhelm.. first to pick up Atvir.. then to pick a lock on a specific house, and steal an overpowered enchanted saber. Which I would use for the rest of the game unless I found something I liked the looks of better. It became.. predictable. Once you know where everything you want is.. you have to have very strong willpower to resist the urge to get it at level 1.
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Yeah that's what l found...there was a daedric shield in an area that you explore pretty early in the game, and it didn't require any stealing even - just wait till the npc left the room. (ie, about half the day.)

l miss that about morrowind - a lot of the time there WERE pretty powerful pieces of armor etc placed in some npc homes, but they were also guarded so stealing was harder. It would amke more sense to place them in skyrim if there were more guard patrols etc, but w/o the extra risk, there's nothing but benefit to stealing with it.

Edited by slainia
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I have yet to play a stealthly thief since i came back to Skyrim but when i do i shall return and post lol.


Btw anybody miss the old Morrowind days traveling to Vivec and breaking into the vaults? i loved doing that! i wish something like that would return!

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Oh my god yes. /:

There have been attempts at making something similar, but the closest skyrim version is...sans spoiler, it's small. Lol.

That was one of my favorite things to do, not only because the rewards were great, but - it took patience and timing to get in to some of them. :facepalm: l miss them :(

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Btw anybody miss the old Morrowind days traveling to Vivec and breaking into the vaults? i loved doing that! i wish something like that would return!


I totally forgot about that. Vivec was an awesome city in so many ways (the vaults being one of them). What I'd give for a massive city like that in Skyrim.


Oblivion had a great vault mod which remains a must-have for me. I really hope to see something similar in Skyrim someday. In the meantime, the Markarth Treasury House will have to do.

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