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Some neat stuff I found in the int files


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Not sure if this is any help, but in Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Localization\INT I found the following:


References to research projects having codenames(Not sure if this is in the game, as I stopped paying attention to the research text stuff after my first run through the game. Stuff like:












TechTypeCodeName[eTech_AlienMaterials]=Looking Glass

TechTypeCodeName[eTech_Exp_Warfare]=Skunk Works



And in \Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Localization\INT I found:


References to different armor types and weapons that aren't in the game, such as:




m_strName=Kevlar Body Armor



m_strName=Heavy Carapace Armor

m_strNotes=The Heavy Carapace Armor allows a soldier to withstand heavy damage while wielding two weapons at once. Inventory and mobility, however, are severly restricted.



m_strName=Light Carapace Armor

m_strNotes=The Light Carapace Armor is extremely light and flexible, while still offering a significant defense against alien weapons. A soldier in this armor can climb almost any surface, though they cannot carry as much gear.



m_strName=Carapace Armor

m_strNotes=The Carapace Armor is both stronger and lighter than our conventional armor, allowing soldiers to carry more gear even as they withstand greater damage.



m_strName=Golem Armor

m_strNotes=The Golem is impervious to damage.



m_strName=Ghost Armor

m_strNotes=The Ghost is capable of vanishing from sight.



m_strName=Titan Armor

m_strNotes=The Titan armor provides an excellent defense against alien weapons.



m_strName=Archangel Armor

m_strNotes=The Archangel is capable of flight.




m_strNotes=Bring powers of the mind to the battlefield.


Some of those are in the game, obviously, but stuff like the Golem armor and Heavy Carapace seem to have been cut. Also found a reference to a stun rod, along with:




m_strName=Alien Communication Device


m_strHelp=Using this loot will give +2 to the soldiers TAC for the remainder of combat. If not used, loot can be disassembled for parts back at HQ.




m_strName=Alien Medical Station


m_strHelp=Using this loot will fully restore a soldier's hit points. If not used, loot can be disassembled for parts back at HQ.




m_strName=Alien Beacon


m_strHelp=Use this beacon to deactivate the power core.



m_strName=Alien Console


m_strHelp=Hack this console.




It seems like there were meant to be more alien bases, and you were meant to have to actually shut down the power sources to capture them. Also, references to ammo types, and the fact that they were meant to also cost money. A lot of the game seems to have been cut out completely to make it more accessible/simplify some of the number-crunching from the original. Anyone else saddened by this?

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Me :( It's a damn shame how much was cut out...


There are also references to Flash grenades and ammo magazines. I also noticed that there are funcions in upk which refer to bursts / number of projectiles per burst etc - so maybe there were also several firing modes planned (single shot, burst, etc)...

Edited by Odie1974
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As much as I am enjoying the game, particularly due to the unlocks of AI, unlimited aliens firing, graphics and Gotta Get Em All UFO mods; the moment I saw console attached to the title - I knew we were going to get a watered down version.


The thing that amazes me, 20 years ago with pixel graphics, this game had impressive depth. Fast forward to gorgeous graphics, we get veneer worthy interactivity. Reminds me of some girls I've known.


Based on what I have seen and enjoyed (thanks to all modders, small edits to large), I know we will see a lot of this back in the game due to very switched on members.

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