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What Inspired your character

Hunter Killer

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My main character (Dinin Massal) is from R.A. Salvatore's books about the dark elf race. Dinin is the brother of Drizzt. His personality isn't really Dinin's personality in the books, my character basically just gets the job done no matter what, he isn't really good or evil.


My other characters i make up the names myself.

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I like to make my characters fit in; just as I chose Hildebrand or Hygelac for my Nord Characters, I choose real Roman names (praenomen - nomen - cognomen) when I pick an Imperial; I'd pick a medioeval-french sounding name for a Breton, and as for the Dunmer, Bosmer, Altmer, Khajit or Argonians, I'd just pick a name like the others in the game. I'd probably even look for a name which means something in their language, and doesn't just "sound right"... but I never played as one of them yet. And as for Redguards... I don't remember what names they use in game, but it'd be common english or maybe african/middle-eastern.


As for their skills and classes... well, I'd just use common sense. Everything has to fit in... I wouldn't play an axe-wielding bosmer, nor an Imperial Barbarian (which would be something close to an oxymoron). If I play a Nord warrior, I choose to use axes, claymores and warhammers; with a Bosmer, I'd go for bows and short blades; with an Altmer, I'd be a magician; with an Imperial, I'd rely on personality more than on brutal force; with a khajit, I'd steal. Different characters mean different styles of playing. What do you think?

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When i play morrowind first i was a argonian. Dont quest me why? :wacko:

But i test a game called Warhammer and I look at orcs and only say WoW. Later thisgoing a year and i don´t play morrowind. On this time i play another RPG and need a name so i think and think and take Bacbush the Darkmaster.

I play the game but don´t call me The Darkmaster more.

So my last file been a orc called Bacbush. But in between i do much files named Dark :D

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