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I was messing around with custom enchants in the creation engine and one got stuck on my character, I think it happened like so:


I played for a while with a custom enchant on my armor, then after a few hours I wanted to change the enchant's effects so I went into the creation engine and started tinkering with it. While doing so I ended up scraping the enchant and making a different one from scratch. The problem seems to be that I never took off the armor in game while doing this and the enchantment, which no longer exists being as I erased it from the creation engine, seems to still be on my character and I can not restore my default stats.


It is not listed as a current magic effect in game but while running around stark naked I definitely still have its effects. The enchantment itself was fairly simple,mana regen, and some stat bonuses.


Can anyone tell me of a way to restore my characters stats to default?

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There should be automatic backups of your mod in your "Skyrim\Backup" folder. If there's still a copy there from before you changed the enchantment, you could load that, remove the armor and save, then restore the latest copy of the mod.


Or you could use console commands to change your stats back to whatever they should be.


Or you could load an earlier savegame.


Or you could start a new game.

Edited by steve40
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