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Stealth damage broken.


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Hey Guys just installed Morrowind GOTY edition through steam yesterday. Added MCP 2.4, Graphics extender, Morrowind Rebirth, Morrowind Comes Alive, Accurate Attacks and Run Faster mods to the game. Everything works great with no crashes but I'm having one game breaking issue!


Sneak crit damage DOES NOT work, or rarely does at all! I wanted to play a stealth character and its pointless without the crit damage, I know in normal morrowind if your behind your target with the icon and you strike you should ALWAYS get crit damage, in this case I've seen it say "Critical Damage!" a handful of times and sometimes it doesnt even apply it! Just for the hell of it I set my sneak and Short blade to 100 and still the same thing, rarely every applies the damage. Has anyone seen this happen before? Just going to re make a paladin type character if theres no solution but would be nice if I could get it working, thanks in advance!

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