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Fallout nv G.E.C.K: NPC Patrol interior not working


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Hey, I'm pretty new to modding and I'm working on my first big mod. I made my own interior and made my own npcs to put in that interior. It's Enclave based and It would be so cool to see the soldiers patrolling through the bunker but for some reason when ever I load the cell the soldier just stands there and does nothing. I have the AI package set for patrolling and everything is linked, am I missing something inside the interior that'll allow the npc move or do I need to add something to the AI package, anything helps thanks.

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An interior cell is it's own universe. You need something to "activate" the NPC AI Packages when the cell loads. Typically that is by way of a Quest script kicked off by the "door activator" when the Player enters the cell; possibly with a "ResetAI" command. (See also "GetActorProcessingLevel".) Take a look at the "Brotherhood of Steel (BoS)" bunker in Hidden Valley scripts to see how they handled it.



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It also must be a .esm file. Navmeshes will not be used if they're in an .esp file.

That's not true. I have made plenty of navmeshes in esp files and they all work fine.


In fact, depending on how you create your esm, the navmesh in the esm might not work. If you are modifying an existing navmesh, and you create your mod as an esp and then change it to an esm using FNVEdit, you're fine. If you then use the GECK powerup to modify your esm, or if you originally used something like TESSnip to create the esm, then modifications to existing cells (including navmeshes) will not work due to some internal records getting lost in the shuffle.


There may be some cases where a navmesh created by an esp won't work but a navmesh created by an esm will, but I personally have yet to run across it.

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That's not true. I have made plenty of navmeshes in esp files and they all work fine.


In fact, depending on how you create your esm, the navmesh in the esm might not work. If you are modifying an existing navmesh, and you create your mod as an esp and then change it to an esm using FNVEdit, you're fine. If you then use the GECK powerup to modify your esm, or if you originally used something like TESSnip to create the esm, then modifications to existing cells (including navmeshes) will not work due to some internal records getting lost in the shuffle.


There may be some cases where a navmesh created by an esp won't work but a navmesh created by an esm will, but I personally have yet to run across it.


It's nothing intrinsic to the .esp or .esm file format. They're the same except for a single bit flag, but the engine loads them differently for some reason. In Fallout 4, Bethesda just made it so that everything is loaded as if it were an .esm, regardless of the flag and extension due to these exact issues.

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