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Is there any Lava in CK?


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the visual effect was achieved with a combination of the worldspace and imagespace. Maybe you could do something with that?


Agreed. There is a lavawater water type in the CK but it's not tied to any water activators and with a little creative use of watertypes, imagespace, lighting, and fx objects (smoke, cameraFX) you can create a passable illusion. And with an adjusted DB10FireDamageTriggerBox underneath you can set any player/NPC unlucky enough to fall in on fire - because the "causes X damage per second" checkbox in the water type dialogue doesn't seem to do anything in this iteration of the game engine. Blowing enemies into the lava with a well-placed FUS and watching them burn up trying to get out is pretty satisfying.


Some examples from my upcoming mod, a Dwemer geothermal station (screenshots using vanilla skyrim, no ENB or anything)


Other experiments"




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because the "causes X damage per second" checkbox in the water type dialogue doesn't seem to do anything in this iteration of the game engine.


Hmm. I know that if you tick the "Causes" box on the WaterType form but leave damage at zero, you can then use the "IsInDangerousWater" conditional to "detect" the water (it is treated as a lava). So I would have assumed that setting a damage value would also work. Haven't tested it in-game though. Nice screenshots btw.

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you can then use the "IsInDangerousWater" conditional to "detect" the water


Ah - that would have been good to know a few weeks back - I could have scripted my way around the issue of not causing damage per second (which I tested ingame and doesn't do jack) but the db10 triggerbox (used when the DB is going up in flames I think) works a treat and applies a nice flame effect so all good. But nice to know for future mods.


Cheers :)

Edited by acidzebra
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