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losing my mind, please help


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I have been having a problem for as long as I've been modeling, pictured below is the incarnation or that problem, its pictured in mudbox but the choppiness or whatever that is called carries over into the CK and into the game, ive tried changing the way i do my UV maps, ive tried making smoother meshes, ive tried every remedy i can find online to no avail, seriously i would appreciate any help at all



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It's a bit hard to explain since english is not my native language but the software "prefers" to paint even quads...the essence:




Version 1 works best, especially when you subdivide it a few times (just to paint it in Mudbox, you can still use the low polygon model since it's the same UV map)...so you might use the untriangulated version of your model, maybe add a few cuts to the blade and try different brush sizes and strengths - and maybe watch my "advanced" UV unmapping tutorial on my YT channel, link to armor tut in signature, link to the UV mapping should be in the video description (if you're using C4D - since it looks a bit like a C4D created model). Because normally you would uv map the whole blade in one piece and not 4 as sides.

Edited by ghosu
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