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Question about "ILevCreaLevelDifferenceMax"

Guest deleted1354564

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Guest deleted1354564

Hi, everyone!


I started playing Oblivion again after almost 8 years, but I'm trying to play it without mods or with as little as possible (I may eventually start changing things around, but I want to avoid too much right now). One of the things that bothers me the most is the level lists. After a while, all bandits with glass armors, imps get extinct etc.


Anyway, I read on UESP that the level cap is influenced by the parameters "ILevCreaLevelDifferenceMax" and "ILevItemLevelDifferenceMax". I thought they could be found in the Oblivion.ini, but they aren't there. I know Wrye Bash has an option to change them, but I'm not interested in using a mod manager yet. Are these parameters changeable using the ConstructionSet? Where can I find them to be edited?


Thanks in advance

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I used the change that Lower Level Enemies Don't Disappear makes to iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax as inspiration and added that change to my personal MyTweaks.esp that bundles a lot of little things I prefer into a single ESP.

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Just had a quick look in the CS to see exactly what my changes were and have found I was a bit misleading.


I've only made changes to the original AesLowerLevelEnemiesDontDisappear.esp (both of those settings you asked about are now changed to 99, whereas the original only changed iCreatureLevelDifferenceMax to 99) ... probably when first testing so that the changes could easily be reverted if I decided to not go that route. AesLowerLevelEnemiesDontDisappear.esp will be merged into the bashed patch and disabled if you use Wrye Bash, whereas my own MyTweaks.esp doesn't because of some of the other changes it contains. Those changes will get moved to MyTweaks.esp at some point (probably when starting a new character, whenever that may be).


Another option you may want to look at is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. MOO also makes changes so that even in the beginning of the game you'll sometimes run into higher level enemies and equipment.


By far MOO is a much more complicated mod (though most of it's changes can be disabled via INI edits). I have it on my list for my next character someday.

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