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Found the last script before my CTD


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[11/16/2012 - 07:42:05PM] error: Cannot call Play() on a None object, aborting function call


[ (001073FF)].FXCameraAttachScript.OnTriggerEnter() - "FXCameraAttachScript.psc" Line ?


Alright, this was apparently the last thing my game did before I crashed. Can someone tell me the meaning of this and what I can do about it?

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There is nowhere near enough info here for anyone to help you.


If you are still having problems, please post:

Game version. Using skse, BASH, etc?

Mods (post as spoiler if there are a bunch)--in their load order (easy to get from your BOSS log. If you aren't using BOSS for load order, that could be the problem.

Any mods through the workshop?

Computer specs? (CPU, GPU, etc)

Any changes to your prefs ini or driver settings?

What happens when you crash (specific place, when doing a specific action, after a certain amount of time)

What changed before the problem appeared?

What have you tried already to solve the problem?

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