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Hearthfire/bride wont move to any of my houses


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I have added a couple of player homes and Amazing follower tweaks and bijin wives.I've tried getting married twice and in both cases the "Move to My home" dialogue option appear in the conversation after the wedding. I'm only given the chose to move to my wife's home.

Can anyone offer any advice?


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Well the one Player Home I downloaded from here at Nexus that can take families and spouses etc. is White Run Home. Alvis Mannor I have taken possession of it found the key and put a follower in there already but my wife or maybe the game.. I'm not sure wont provide it as a place for her to live.

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That may well be a problem with the mod since the mod's author has to arrange for the game to recognize it as a legitimate player home. I don't know where you are in your game but I would recommend that you try to buy Breezehome and see if your spouse lists that in her dialogue. If she does you know the problem is with your mod.

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