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GPU going to crap or just a random bug?


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I got the GeForce GT 520 and when I first got it I installed Skyrim and after Skyrim was finished it detected the graphics to run on Ultra which it did smoothly. After about a month or two it started to lag quite and did not run on ultra at all nor on high. I have a Quad Core CPU and 8GB of ram and of course the GT 520 as I said before. Is the GPU going to crap or is it something I can fix?


My drivers are up to date

I got the most recent Windows updates

I am running Win 7 Ultimate x64

Skyrim is up to date [1.8]

Edited by Darosh
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What drivers are you using, and how did you update them?

What program are you using to manage your drivers? (NVidia Inspector, EVGA precision, etc.)



Please delete this post if you can. I have fixed the problem to run somewhat good on high. GPU is just dieing a little, I had to add a new fan to blow it on it which did increase the gameplay somewhat.

Edited by Darosh
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