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NPC Face Expot


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I know how to Export the PC Face, SPF in the Console. I've looked around in the Creation Kit and only found the Ctrl-f4 which seems to only export the data, not the .NPC file.


I've created an NPC face (actually redid a NPC's face) Is there a way to Export her NPC face to a .NPC file, from my .esp or .ess file?


Hope this makes sense, still early and caffeine hasn't kicked in. ;)



Thanks for any tips.

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Is there a way to Export her NPC face to a .NPC file, from my .esp or .ess file?

No. .npc file is for exporting player created faces to use in the Creation Kit when making non-player characters.


However, if you open the Creation Kit & load up the actor and make note of ALL the head settings (face, hair, etc..). You could then go to the game, bring up the char gen window, and make a player face that is identical. Then you could make the .npc file via spf.

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