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that's retarded, people let something like that stop them from doing it? 1:oblivion is like Postal(2) in the since that around people, it is only as violent as you are. 2: there are worst things in japan...and there's something else to think about, nonhuman pedophila in japan is legal and(unless im not getting all the facts straight) there are WAY less child rape cases than there are here...hmmm...we as humans are pretty weird, as far as how we work...but yeah, i like the idea of a crowded street with vendors, and people bustling about, kids playing and chasing eacother, dogs barking, rats and cats in the darker alleys...birs even, like...pigeons, or sparrows. not one or two, but actual flocks like in real life.
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Oh, the engine can't possibly handle that many little moving critters. :lol: Maybe on a really uber computer and if they were way low-poly.


Japanese culture is very different from Western as regards many things, porn not the least of them. Westerners frequently will not feel the same way.

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I'm not at home so i couldn't tell you what mod it is, but i've got loads of kids running around in my game with funny robot German accents. They might have come with Cyabides mod. You can also play as a kid with Improved Child Races and the Koutestu Petite Body mod (be prepared to not see boobies on women in the game any more).


As for JApan, i love it, i work there, but i would bet my bottom dollar that there are more cases of child abuse there - they just dont report that kind of stuff so much in East Asia. They dont have the same stigma about paedophiles there and women tend to accept it more as part of life (i dont like it, but its not my country, either :/).

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