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Everything posted by burb

  1. Ok, ive been playing oblivion since it came out. Never ha this problem before. The .ini is set to take screenies like always but i have a japanese pc with a japanese keyboard (which ive even remapped so i can take screenies) but NO!! Any advice? My PC knows it's the prt scrn key because it goes to high contrast mode when i press it with ctrl and alt. Sorry for the noobage.
  2. i dont know how to delete this but i fixed THAT problem. NOW i dont have any spectators in the Arena. I copied the default arena and changed it, i must have deleted some references for spectators because now when i try to drag and drop them in, that appear as an invisible box. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. That * means the item is edited, to get rid of it you must (I'll need to rely on memory since I haven't CS installed for now) mark your mod but instead opening it click "Details" (or something like it) browse your changes there and mark them for delete. This will not delete the entries but mark them, so you now actually load your mod and do some bogus modification that allows you to save it. This shall restore the original and no edited status. Use this process whenever you need to 'clean' mods before public release. Edit: What happens is CS does not actually delete changes. The procedure above prevents the features marked for delete from being loaded and so the mod get effectively cleaned once saved afterwards. That was fantastically concise and useful. Its already fixed thanks very much to you. i cant thank you enough!
  4. im working on a big mod. ive accidentally somehow taken away everyones greetings. It cant be a conflict because ive tried it with other mods. I havent deleted any original dialogue but there is a star next to GREETINGS*. I havent meddled so im wondering if theres anything i can do to fix it? Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
  5. i lost my hard drive with all my mods and my 300 hour saved character on it so i couldnt have the heart to jump back into oblivion. i hope to god they do a new one soon. fallout looks good but i need more fantasy than that.
  6. Thanks. We like our members to use their manners and common sense as well. No. LHammonds No problem. Thanks for getting back to me.
  7. Hello, i'd just to say what haven this site is for people who are big into Oblivion and also like a certain level of manners and sense when discussing it. I haven't experienced it everywhere and that's what i'm hoping to ask - is it ok to talk smack about other Oblivion forums or discuss our negative experiences with them on here? Thank you! Burb.
  8. X-com was perfect. Just an amazing, perfect game. I have a genuine fear of th deep sea and fish so Terror from the Deep was just great for me. I hear the original team are re-doing x-com. I've played a few of the games made in tribute like UFO:Extraterrestials and Afterlight, but for good crisp logistical combat, you can't beat the original. Soldiers at War by SSL was very similar in gameplay but a little less involved. In x-com you could nae your guys based on their skills (or lack thereof).
  9. "archive invalidator" you say? Hmm, i think you might be onto something. I'll learn what that is and do it before i bug you again. I've DL's Max, hope i don't need to use it... THERE WILL BE PODGE! Thanks again! :)
  10. wow, first of all NICE COMMUNITY. I was expecting some snobby comments and not much help. Cool ok, so if i were to get a mesh of a nice dress or something, i could change the dimensions on that and in effect have a "fat suit". I did kill a passer by and strip her off when testing my mod and see the same old vanilla body. I totally agree about different body types and immersion - and also that having some plus size women in Tamriel would make playing it a nice experience for me personally. Hope someone gets it done if i don't. CHEERS!
  11. hello. I want to make the default imperial female mesh more thick round the middle. With nifskope, ive been able to make my body and legs plump by simply resizing certain nodes (spine 2, etc). ive saved the nif files as they were (and even moved the BSA archive to make sure oblivion doesnt use it) and yet i still appear trim when i play. any advice on how to put on the pounds...and KEEP them?
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