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Need help with model conversions and such


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So would anyone who knows UVW's and such wanna give this a once over? I've gotten it to a point where I've cut out most of the seams completely out, but I'd like some reassurance that what I've merged was the right way to go, as I'm trying to clean it up to where there isn't stretching in places and its turning out to be a bit of a pain.


Here's what I had before I started messing around trying to elminate the stretching:



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Personally I would do cylindrical mapping on the handle since its round to reduce the seams to one and position it underneath. It looks like you still have some texture stretching along the seams on the handle too because of how the edges look bunched up...maybe I'm wrong. If nothing else maybe relax the handle a bit to smooth out the texture.
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Okay so I have the UV in a pretty good place for now (I'll tweak some more later on), so right now I'd like to focus on getting the weapon into the game. Thus far, my attempts in applying the proper stuff in Nifskope (again, just kind of storming through it without really knowing what I'm doing) have either crashed the game outright or produced one awful nasty red diamond. All in all not cool, though once this issue gets sorted out I can start polishing this thing, which is really what I"d like to get to.
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I should be able to help here. ^^ I'm assumming you've downloaded the latest version of Nifskope...if you have I reccomend getting rid of it. I tried upgrading to it and my meshes never made it into the Creation Kit properly..they just refused to show up or I'd get a red triangle with ! in it. I suggest using nifskope-1.1.0-rc7-i686-w32.7z which can be found here. Since you're using 3DS Max I also assume you've installed the Nif plugin exporter,

covers taking your mesh through Nifskope and setting everything up using exported nifs pretty well. Unfortunately he doesn't cover the blood effects in that video but its not too hard to figure out how to do those using his
...you just have to set up your mesh as in the first video but don't delete the blood layers...then do the blood layers as he explains in video two.


Ghosu has the best tutorial covering the creation kit process

. Edited by Jennifur68
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