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What is your favorite race?


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Nord lover since Oblivion. I spent most of my time around Bruma and I was hoping for Skyrim to be the next game ^^


I kind of like the Altmer too. It may be that I equate height with superiority lol!


You aren't by chance an exiled Irken Invader hiding out and plotting our downfall, are you?


Anyway, Dunmer, through and through. Even before Morrowind, i just found the Dark Elves to be the coolest conceptually, and when Morrowind came out it sealed my fate. I'm normally altrusitic in the extreme, but something about the nature of the Dunmer culture intreagues me and keeps pulling me in. They don't conceal their anger, radicalism and racist tendancies for the sake of pleasentries. I remember, once, in a Balmora coner club, i was told "Make no mistake, Outlander. One of these days the Dunmer will rise up, and slit the throat of every Outlander while they sleep!". Their brutal and honest, because they live in a brutal and unforgiving climate.


Plus... you know... Red eyes!

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In reference to my earlier post, does anyone else feel wierd about playing a race other than a nord in Skyrim in regards to being the dragonborn? I know that it isn't stated that the dragonborn is limited to the nord population, but there also isn't any mention of a non-nord being born with the gift. I would think that the population of Skyrim would at least comment about it, just like it felt wierd playing anything but a dark elf in Morrowind. No one made a big deal about the fact that the dark elf version of the messiah, the nerevarine, was born as an orc or imperial or whatever you played as. The nords are very proud of this aspect of their culture and it would seem like a big deal if the first dragonborn in hundreds of years turned out to be an altmer. Just a thought.
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Easier for me to choose a least favorite than a favorite race. I would have to go with a three-way tie between Orcs, Argonians and Dunmer for favored/most played, though most of the other races do see quite a bit of playtime as well. The only races I have to force myself to play due to complete lack of desire are Bosmer and Khajiit, for some reason I just don't enjoy playing them (despite liking playing many thief- and archer-style characters).
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Many of the later Dragonborn were Imperial, so theres no exclusivity on Nords and the dragon blood. After all, Tiber Septim was a Breton! At least I think its irrefutable now, due to the ghost at Old Hroldan.


Huh, I didn't know that. That makes it a bit easier for me to consider a non-nord whenever I start my next play through.

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Many of the later Dragonborn were Imperial, so theres no exclusivity on Nords and the dragon blood. After all, Tiber Septim was a Breton! At least I think its irrefutable now, due to the ghost at Old Hroldan.


He was born on an island surrounding High Rock, not within the mainland. And being that his birth-given name was Hjalti Early-Beard it is most likely he came of Nord birth

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