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What is your favorite race?


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Khajiit, Argonian and Dunmer for me. Though to me I find all of the races likeable in their own way, it seems like Bethesda have tried hard to make them different to their standard fantasy games' equivalents, and I like this.


I also like the decision they made to totally pass on "traditional" Dwarves. I put "traditional" in quotes because what most people consider a traditional Dwarf is really quite modern. Most imagine Tolkien's Dwarves, sturdy warriors with kingdoms like hives within the mountains.

However the actual traditional Dwarfs (as Tolkien preferred to use the spellings "elves" and "dwarves" instead of what was then correct "elfs" and dwarfs", because he felt it fit better with the language's spelling conventions) from Scandinavia were not warlike at all, rather they would rather bargain to get out of a tight spot, though this isn't what makes them like TES Dwarves. Some of the earliest references to Dwarfs in Scandinavian folklore apparently refers to them as "Svartr", which as far as I remember translates roughly as "Blacks" or "Black Ones". This is a reference to their hair, the Norse never referred to someone with dark skin as "Black". They were also apparently just as tall as Humans, and only later did they come to be described as short.

They also had a love for ores, precious metals and minerals, and were renowned for their craftsmanship, but like I mentioned, not for warfare. They were a nuisance sometimes due to their habit of digging into tombs to loot the riches inside.


I feel that in many ways Bethesda actually based their Dwarves on the earlier Scandinavian Dwarfs, and I think this makes them far more interesting.

Black hair = Almost always

Human sized = Check

Materialistic = Certainly

Craftsmen = Oh Aedra, yes!

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Dunmer for me. I love their history and culture, and I guess I've just got a sort of attatchment to them since Morrowind. My mains, however, tend to be the corresponding native race in the games: Dunmer in Morrowind, Imperial in Oblivion, Nord in Skyrim. Still have a bunch of dark elf side characters though. :D
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My favorite race.....not sure on that one. Nord probably, because I'm very fond of everything Norse related. But they're pretty bland really if I judge them specifically without letting my RL sentiments cloud my judgement. I might like Bretons a lot too, if they were generally more like the Forsworn and not just humans with better magic. Elves and Argonians I never cared for really so they're not on the table. Dunmer are cool though. A the end of the day, I probably like Khajiit the most even though the last time I rolled one for my PC was back in Oblivion. Orcs are starting to grow on me though, it was cool visiting their strongholds in Skyrim.
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I really can't use anything beside Bretons.

25% resistance against all types of magic is just unmatched, what other races give is minimal compared to this.

I get another 25% through enchants and I'm sitting on half damage from spells and dragon shouts, that's great.

Let alone the daily skill to counter magic.


Plus Belethor.

Belethor is the best NPC in the game imo, I laugh at his quotes every single time.


"Belethor, what is a Breton doing in Skyrim?"

"Isn't it obvious? Why, the wonderful weather and hospitable people, of course! Not to mention my great fondness for dragons and petty political power struggles. Ah, but without a doubt, the most compelling feature of this frozen wasteland is the volley of inane questions leveled at me on a regular basis."


"Everything is for sale my friend, everything.

If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second!"


"I'd even buy one of your relatives, if you're looking to sell! Ha ha ha... That's a little joke."


Him alone is good reason enough to go Breton.



PS: In the Italian version his talk is a lot more hilarious than the English version btw.

Edited by Falconian
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