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do you think they will bring spears with the new dlc?


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i wonder if there will be one handed and two handed spears


More than likely they will be two handed. If there were one handed spears everyone would be complaining about no option for dual wielding, in which case what would be the point of having spears?

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i wonder if there will be one handed and two handed spears


Previously, spears were always 2 handed, so if we see a return i would expect them to once again be 2 handed, rather than something entirely new.


That said, i feel the need to remind people that, just because we see enemy creatures using spears, doesn't mean for sure we will get access to them. Lets face it, we can't swing around a Giants club (without mods, at least)

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It would be a real shame not to include one-handed spears. The one-handed spear and shield were one of the most powerful weapon combinations of the ancient world far superior to the sword. If that's not include than I'm not that interested.




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It would be a real shame not to include one-handed spears. The one-handed spear and shield were one of the most powerful weapon combinations of the ancient world far superior to the sword. If that's not include than I'm not that interested.





While i agree that it was a formidable combination (at least until the advent of powerful and reliable ranged weaponry such as the longbow and Crossbow) it's never had a presence in TES games. So, again, while i would also love to see it, i would advise not to get ones hopes up.

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I've wanted to see spears in Skyrim since day one, because it just doesn't make sense that there aren't any. It's the oldest and most basic weapon in history. Monkeys have managed to invent the spear.


It would be a real shame not to include one-handed spears. The one-handed spear and shield were one of the most powerful weapon combinations of the ancient world far superior to the sword.


Due to military tactics, mostly. Plus, the swords of the ancient world weren't especially impressive.

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