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Turret Placement mod


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So I got this silly idea that I wanted to fortify a town that I really liked by adding turrets to it. Call it a hobby/obsession.


However using placeatme codes only ever brings me enemy turrets and using moveto player requires that I find a friendly turret first and get its prid.


Can anyone make a mod that will allow me to summon/place friendly turrets?

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You'd be surprised. I've come back to big town to find dead townsfolk before. I've also had people tell me about talking to Lucy West in Megaton and having her yell at them about what they did in Arefu, and when they went to check, everyone was dead and there was a giant radscorpion living in the town. That was AFTER the best ending in the related quest.
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We need a mod to quite simply CREATE dynamic patrols and attacks. In fact, we need a mod (or DLC) to give us our own outpost or settlement. Then something like this would be very valuable. Imagine trying to scavenge ammunition and weapons for your guards, knowing that another attack is just a few days away. Exciting!
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