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Thinking of trying out a Mage approach.


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Scratch that. I got bored pretty quickly of ranged-combat. Now I'm a warrior. Two-hands, one-hand, no-hand, anything.


My favorite weapon type: Battleaxe. Medium strength, medium speed, nice death animations. I like greatswords as well, but not so much, and warhammers are too slow for my liking. Besides, the ignore armor perk isn't that useful, imo.

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If you don't like always doing ranged combat you could always give yourself a one-handed weapon. I'm trying to break away from my usual play style a little by going mage as well. A Nord Mage *who will be marrying another Nord Mage ^_^* and I've given myself a one-handed weapon for those times I run out of magic or just need a little extra power. Mostly using magic to kill, though. I just started the character and I'm killing things pretty quickly with basic fire magic. I've put a few more points into magic than usual, but I'm still putting into stamina as well, if only for the carry weight bonus. I'm a hoarder and tend to grab anything of remote value I find when exploring an area, so I want a little extra space to carry it all.
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Screw this. I have tried, tried and tried being a mage (at adept difficulty which I always play at) and just about any foe kills me. Either my mana runs out or my spell isn't powerful enough.


I'm going back to my warrior. At least then I am the one killing them. In the end, though, when my melee skills are high enough, I'll be doing a bit ranged combat and then magic. I mean, with a high enchanting level (100 or near 100) and with a black filled soul gem, I can enchant some pretty decent daedric armor to make destruction cost next to nothing. ^^

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Well the first time I did the Mage route I was on the 360 and it was difficult. When I finally switched to the pc version my options became unlimited. Whenever I got into a bind and I was low on magica I just hit the console key and toggled god mode, infinite fire balls :thumbsup: lol
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Well the first time I did the Mage route I was on the 360 and it was difficult. When I finally switched to the pc version my options became unlimited. Whenever I got into a bind and I was low on magica I just hit the console key and toggled god mode, infinite fire balls :thumbsup: lol


yeah, I've done that as well in extreme situations but I don't wanna have to. Mages are underpowered in the lower levels and maybe when I'll raise a few levels it'll get easier. Especially now when I have better mage gear. Arch mage's robes and that dragon priest mask from the mage's college quests.

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I usually go for warrior characters, but I've been trying to play a mage character for a while now.


I say "try", because she still tends towards being more of a spellsword. I'm level 19, having spent as much as I can on Destruction, and wearing several magic-enhancing items, but I still have trouble killing anything stronger than a bandit before my magica runs out. That leaves me either running around and trying not to die while waiting for it to regenerate, wasting a lot of potions, or resorting to good old fashioned stabbing.


I recently killed my first dragon on my own. (I neglected the main quest in favor of the Mage College storyline.) It was a blood dragon and my Chain Lightning barely scratched it. Having Spellbreaker helps, but still, that fight took forever.

Edited by Relativelybest
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I usually go for warrior characters, but I've been trying to play a mage character for a while now.


I say "try", because she still tends towards being more of a spellsword. I'm level 19, having spent as much as I can on Destruction, and wearing several magic-enhancing items, but I still have trouble killing anything stronger than a bandit before my magica runs out. That leaves me either running around and trying not to die while waiting for it to regenerate, wasting a lot of potions, or resorting to good old fashioned stabbing.


I recently killed my first dragon on my own. (I neglected the main quest in favor of the Mage College storyline.) It was a blood dragon and my Chain Lightning barely scratched it. Having Spellbreaker helps, but still, that fight took forever.


I highly recomend Skyrim Redone for mages. It adds so many perks and spells for mages. Theres about 20 perks for increasing the damage of an individual destruction elemental attack. There are new perks in enchantment that makes enchanting robes way more effective than armour. (while enchantment is overall balanced a bit). There are a lot more summon spells (snow bear :D) including new unique ways of reanimating bodies. Theres a lot there to make mages much more powerful anyway ^^

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