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Priest viability


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Is a full healer based class viable in Skyrim, such as a monk or priest? I'm thinking of doing something different from the typical warrior/rogue/caster classes or a variation between these three. Obviously I would have to have a decently strong companion to accompany me, but would this be a viable class option? I know there were priest or healing focused classes in Morrowind and Oblivion, but truth be told I never gave them any thought.


Here's my breakdown of what my custom priest class would look like:


Race: Khajit

Major Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Illusion, Speech, One-handed (maces only)

Minor Skills: Smithing, Enchanting


Would an Imperial be better for the +10 bonus to restoration or a Khajit be more viable for more of a monk based class for the 15 damage with class, since no unarmed skill.

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It's do-able, but you'll want to consider factors beyond your skill set. For example:


-Have you played through the game before?

-If so, what questlines do you plan on focusing on? Or do you plan on taking this character up to level 80+ amd playing through all of them?

-Do you plan on RPing as a priest of certain religion? Khajiit have a rather... unique perspective on divinity (see here)

-How many companions do you plan on using?

-What mods will you be running?


Based on what you've stated about your skill set, I'd say it's an admirable goal, but that you'd better bring some backup. The civil war questline would be a good way to level up your skills at the beginning, since you'll have plenty of cannon fodder to heal. Also. one-handed works well if you dual-wield, but if you plan on going one-handed + restoration, you're definitely going to want a tough companion or two, as well as Healing Hands near the beginning of your game. And be prepared to run. A lot.

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