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Way To Trigger NPC Unclothing In An Area


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I've got a shallow bathing area in my player house with some benches that I plan on having NPCs visit periodically to chill for a few hours. What I was wondering is if there is a way to make them remove any clothing/armor/weapons that they are wearing when they enter this particular area only, and then re-equip what was removed when they leave. It just would seem odd if they decided to take a bath fully clothed. If anyone has a solution for that I'd greatly appreciate some help! :biggrin:
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There are several script elements you could experiment with, perhaps UnequipAll() or RemoveAllItems (which allows you to transfer everything to a container)





But yeah, some scripting will be involved, like placing a triggerbox covering the bathing area with a script containing an ontriggerenter() event.



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Thanks for the advice Acid, scripting confuses the daylights out of me so I'll give it a go but I have limited expectations. I guess I'm just anxious to get through that part of it, perhaps anyone with some superior scripting knowledge might be able to help me? It also seems that I can't see my trigger boxes...that's bothersome. :wacko:
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If you can't see ANY markers (idle markers, sit markers, use markers), press M with the render window visible.


If you're trying to draw a triggerbox, first select the objects you want to draw the trigger around (like a couple of floor, wall, and other pieces) using the ctrl+left click to select multiple objects, then press the little T/box button from the top menu (looks like a box... with a T in it ;), then select the defaultblanktrigger from the options.


It will create a nice box with an area guaranteed to cover the objects you selected. If you try to drag one into your scene (which is a mistake many people make when first working with triggers), it will have dimensions 0,0,0 so that's why you don't see it.

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Here, this will make anyone entering the box go starkers.


Scriptname nudityscript extends ObjectReference	

Event OnTriggerEnter (objectreference triggerRef )
(triggerRef as actor).UnequipAll()


But they will likely never reequip their armor (although they will equip and draw a weapon if attacked). There should be a way to cycle through all their armor slots, put the data in a temporary array, and then call equipitem() for each removed item on a second eventblock OnTriggerLeave but I don't see a quick 'n easy way to do that.

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Hmmm, if they had a default outfit they would eventually revert to wearing it I assume. I imagine the character would have to leave the area though. I kind of had the idea from some hunters out in the hot springs by Eldergleam, but they didn't have an inventory or outfits to start with.
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Hmm tried to make a new script and it gave me this:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "AATGLBathScript"...

<unknown>(0,0): Unable to find flags file: TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg

c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(1,0): Unknown user flag Hidden

No output generated for AATGLBathScript, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on AATGLBathScript



Guess I'll have to see about it tomorrow sometime. Bleh, lol.

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might be able to use OnTriggerLeave() and utilize this


and reset the actor to a specific marker set just on the outside of the trigger box...


hopefully the player doesn't see that happen & hopefully their AI doesn't make 'em turn around and do it all over again...

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