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Soviet SKS rifle


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Well, we're finally starting to see quality models role out. We've got a great new Valkrye sniper rifle that just needs a skin, and FN FAL, a Beretta.


This is a selfish request to any moddlers out there for an SKS rifle.

The Soviet Siminov Self loading Carbine was mass produced in the early fifties and was the reason why the 7.62x39 round was invented. Later the SKS was replaced by the AK, but the AK retained the excellent 7.62X39 round. The SKS is rugged and actually more accurate than the AK, and now they are one of the most popular firearms for survivalists and gun enthusiasts and are even rivaling the 30-30 for the title of the 'poor mans hunting rilfe'.

Anyone who's shot one knows they are a blast to shoot, and since they're so popular in north america there are tones of after stock addons one can buy, from optics to completely different, modern polymer stocks.

Nothing speaks 50's era Cold War and survivalism more than the SKS and it would be ideal to be found in bunkers and vaults throughout the wasteland.


I don't know anything about modding or skinning, but the SKS (though cool looking as a whole) appears simpler in design than say, some of the AK mods that are coming out.

Would it be too hard for a modder to model an SKS?


(Edit) Any modder who does this will also be making history, as the only mod in existance right now with an SKS in it is the Insurgency mod for Half Life. :thumbsup:

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Very good Idea, Maby Chinese version of SKS like Type 56 or Type 63 (With detachable magazines) http://www.ndu.edu/nwc/nwcCLIPARt/FOREIGN_MIL_EQUIPMENT/Small_Arms/ChineseType63Rifle.jpg from Chinese Remnants around DC?


as the only mod in existance right now with an SKS in it is the Insurgency mod for Half Life.


There is second mod with SKS, it is Project Reality for Battlefield 2 :thumbsup:

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Man, that's a cool pic. Mine's a chicom, though with the box mag rather than the larger banana. That's also a rare example of the full auto type. It's great to hear that others would like an SKS in game as well.

Wilk90, where did you get that pic from? I thought I had found all the SKS pics on the net. :wallbash: :thanks:

Modders: Do other modders 'lend' models and skins? For example, could the SKS from the Insurgency Half Life mod be 'ported' over to Fallout?

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Man, that's a cool pic. Mine's a chicom, though with the box mag rather than the larger banana. That's also a rare example of the full auto type. It's great to hear that others would like an SKS in game as well.

Wilk90, where did you get that pic from? I thought I had found all the SKS pics on the net. :wallbash: :thanks:

Modders: Do other modders 'lend' models and skins? For example, could the SKS from the Insurgency Half Life mod be 'ported' over to Fallout?


Nice to meet someone who has shooting Experience, im a Gun Nut, but in my country access to the weapons are restricted, I cannot own weapon for now, maby in near future, But Im sometimes attend to Rifle Range, for now I have only experience with soviet made weaponry, SKS And AK 47.


I get the pic form Polish Wikipedia http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karabin_Type_63, And yes, I'm form Poland.


I think we can ask for premission for SKS from Insurgency, but still we need someone to convert model for Fallout 3,


Ps. Sorry for my Grammar Mistakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know my buddy here at work is. He just bought an SKS from a widow along with quite a few other cool guns!


If there are not enough reference pictures for a modeler to get 'er done, I might be able to coax him to bring it back to work so it can be photographed.



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I know my buddy here at work is. He just bought an SKS from a widow along with quite a few other cool guns!


If there are not enough reference pictures for a modeler to get 'er done, I might be able to coax him to bring it back to work so it can be photographed.




If that doesn't pan out, I've got a Chinese SKS I'd be happy to photograph - though it might not be the best reference gun since it is in a synthetic folding pistol-grip stock and sports the 20 round fixed "Star" magazine the Chinese issued.


The SKS is a fine rifle for the wasteland, I totally agree.

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